
Prehistoric humans- their intelligence?

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How intelligent were these prehistoric human races?

The Neanderthals, Homo Erectus, Homo Habilis, The Huns, The Romans, The Anglo-Saxons?

compared to today's Homo Sapiens.




  1. To the other posts, I would just add that the term 'prehistoric' refers to the period of time before the development of writing.  Events which happened after writing are called 'historic', while events prior to writing are 'prehistoric'. So prehistoric humans can refer to anyone living more than roughly 5,000 years ago, before the development of a written language. I've read a theory that suggests human brain size  last increased a little just around the time that writing was developed.

  2. well brain size is just a horrible way of measuring, i read somewhere einstens brain was smaller then the average humane brain, yet he was like the smartest person ever

    goes to show size actually doesnt matter for something, bigger brains could just meen that there brains were less effecient for its space, kind of like saying a really old huge 10 mb or whatever computer disk is much better then a 16 gb 1 inch new flash drive because the old one is bigger

  3. Paleontologists agree that brain size difference between Homo Neanderthalensis and Homo Sapiens is poor indicator of intelligence.  The evidence of more sophisticated tool use, design, use of art, more sophisticated hunting success all indicate H. sapiens is more intelligent.  And the last three groups listed are all H. sapiens, all of the same intelligence for about 60,000 years.

    H. hablis had big difference in brain size, (smallest) and a very limited ability to design and make tools.

    H. erectus was midway in brain size and tool sophistication.

    So least intelligent to most goes: H.hablis,H.erectus,H. neand., H.sapiens.  

  4. In terms of brain size, the Neanderthals had the largest, followed by Homo Sapiens, H. Erectus, and H. Habilis (in that order.)

    The Huns, Anglo-Saxons, Romans, Cro-Magrons, etc are are modern humans by anatomy.

    I go by brain size becuase there's no real judge to determine intelligence- there's no IQ scores or anything like that.

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