
Premenstrual Tension?

by  |  earlier

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My period isn't due for another 7 days and I've had PMT for 5 days already and today I'm feeling very sick and hungry. I was terribly moody and depressed yesterday. Does anyone else suffer like me?




  1. Eat little & often, a snack every 2 - 3 hours & take some vitamin B complex.

    Keep active too.

    That'll help

  2. I used to suffer terribly with my period, sometimes i couldn't even stand up with cramps and they would be so heavy that i would be exhausted. The doctor tried loads of different stuff and in the end put me on the pill. It was a strong one but it did the trick, no pain and they were way lighter, that was when i was 15, when i was 24 i decided that after 9 years it was time i took a break, after i came off it realised what a cow i was on it, really moody and tearful, like crying for no reason at all. Since i came off it the periods have got a little worse but not nearly as bad as they were. Maybe you could try going on a strong pill, it may not affect your mood the way it did mine and when things get that bad it is worth trying anything. You can always come off it again if it doesn't agree with you.

  3. yeh... im a nightmare.

    i also suffer with very bad period pains :(


  4. oh yea.. i suffer terribly.. at the beginning, middle and end of my cycle.. I get so moody and arsey, i cry my eyes out and im never quite sure why.. and i get horrible pains that somethimes last for days... However since going on the pill, the pain has become more controlled and i am very regular, but more teary and emotional..

  5. me  too....for half of my cycle I'm hormonal, tempestuous, depressed, and downright unbearable...with the excruciating pain thrown in for four days a month....i have to learn to live with it lol
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