
Premier League's The Football foundation has done anything for the youth?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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Premier League's many projects have most of the time focused on the youth and inculcating sport's interest in them,I want to know that how Premier League's The Football foundation has effected the youth?




  1. spikerdude843

    Elsewhere the Foundation has been equally active. They unveiled Arsenal and England striker Theo Walcott as their Junior Kit Scheme Ambassador. This is a £1m-a-year scheme that provides school teams, Under 18 clubs and adults with learning disabilities with £400 vouchers to get Nike football strips and equipment. Over 210,000 youngsters have been kitted out by the scheme so far. Theo visited his old primary school in Compton, West Berkshire to give pupils a free football strip and take part in a training session.At the school Theo said: "I know how important it is for young players to feel they are wearing the best kit when running out on the pitch. The Junior Kit Scheme is a great opportunity to get free kit just like I wear in the Premier League from the Football Foundation."


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