
Premier League's "Prince's Trust" runs how many projects?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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Premier League's different cause organizations follow a set pattern to achieve their goals and agendas,I want to know that how Premier League's Prince's Trust manages its different projects?




  1. spikerdude843

    "Team: The course has now developed with football clubs now offering participants full use of their facilities for presentations and study work, delivering educational workshops on topics such as leading a healthy lifestyle. Clubs also help with sport and exercise sessions, community project support and tours of the stadia. First team players also make appearances, often talking to the young people about the determination and drive they needed to make it to the top.

     Get Into: Clubs give work experience (for example in the club shop, hospitality areas and groundkeeping) to young people to help them develop vocational skills and understand the nature of having different types of job.

     Get Started: Clubs deliver a week-long engagement programme where young people can go on to gain their FA Level One coaching certificate.

     Development Awards: Young people who have graduated from football linked programmes can get cash awards to help them into work, training or education.The kudos of working with Premier League football clubs is a major factor in helping The Trust recruit and engage young people. "


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