
Premier League Gossip: More bad news for Liverpool

by Guest33953  |  earlier

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Liverpool given some more bad news
Liverpool, the once great team of English football have been currently enduring the worst start to a Premier League season, in the team’s history. The team, despite picking up a win this past weekend are still in the relegation zone and are currently sitting
not so pretty in the eighteenth spot.
The team also recently had a change in ownership. The main reason for the team changing hands was down to the fact that the teams previous owners just didn’t seem to make any money available for the team to sign players with and along with that, the team
had incurred an outrageous amount of debt that just couldn’t have been paid off.
At one point in time the mighty reds were on the verge of going into administration, but were saved at the very last moment by NESV. The team’s fans thought that perhaps this change in ownership could finally prove to be just what the team needed, to get
back on track. However in the very first match under the new owners, the team went on to lose out to Everton in a local Merseyside derby.
The team did go on to win the very next game and just when things looked to be on the right track, there was another bombshell of bad news dropped on Anfield.
The team’s new owner, John Henry who has opted for a hands-on role at the club, has gone on to insist that he would be bringing some major changes to the team and the first change would be in respect to the way transfers were conducted at the club.
Henry is quoted to have said: “We have to be smart”.
“We have to be more efficient. When we spend a dollar, it has to be wisely. We cannot afford player contracts that do not make long-term sense."
The new owner of the team is also reported to not be very happy with the much older players at the team, along with the players who just don’t seem to performing like they should. He also insisted that the players whose long term future could not be seen
at the club would be given a second look and their contract talks would also more than definitely be affected.
According to a press release American consortium has made it clear it expects value for money, both from fees and salaries. Henry will take an active role in football matters at Anfield, assessing both Hodgson's suggested transfer targets and setting budgets
for contract renegotiations of players already at the club.
What can be determined from all of this is the fact that American’s quite simply don’t know anything about football. The owner who supposed to be the saviour of the team, has gone ahead and proven to be almost exactly what the previous owners at the team
were, only this time around he is being far more arrogant and ruthless about how things are being carried out.
Also what he fails to realize is the fact that, his actions could very well signal the end for the team. The likes of Fernando Torres and Steven Gerrard might just find Henry’s pointless ramblings to be the last bit of nonsense with which to deal with and
could be as good as gone in the summers. If that does happen, then it is quite possible that Liverpool might have to build from the ground up, however that would not seem to be possible with the current proceedings at the club.
All in all, it is safe to say that Liverpool are a team that have miserably fallen victim to the American materialistic style of ownership and there doesn’t seem to be any ray of hope for the team in the near future.



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