
Premier League - UK only - your team, do you have a geographical connection with it.?

by  |  earlier

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there is so much going on about who supports who.

hands up truely who supports their home town /city team, either born there or lived a long time there.or who just picked them when they were younger cos they were winning.??? lets have the truth!




  1. i have stuck by Tottenham all my life because ive lived there all my life

    i did like arsenal before and that was due to the fact they were winning lol

    but now i am sticking with Tottenham because they finally got a decent manager who can put a good team together and win!!

  2. I like to know what is going on with Bristol City as I'm a somerset girl but i've lived in Pompey for 5 years and I am a huge supporter!! I would stick with pompey if I moved away I have great respect for them!

  3. I'm a Scunthorpe United fan, and although I was born in Peterborough and living in Cambridge - I did spend half of my life a stone's throw away from Scunthorpe.

    It annoys when the Surrey Mancs claim to be fans - they'll never understand what it's like to be football fan.

  4. I was a very little boy and Spurs played Chelsea in an FA Cup final (1967). It was the first game I had ever seen and somehow I was drawn to Chelsea even though they lost. By the time they played Leeds in the classic replayed final of 1970 I was a true Blue and nothing has ever, or will ever change that - including the dismal days of relegation. When I was a man I moved across London to be nearer my team and lived there for many years. Now I live in Vietnam and match days, and  meeting my friends for boozy times before and after games are the only things that I miss. Nowdays I only get to see Chelsea once in a Blue Moon, but I have already arranged my holiday next year to be able to go to Rome for the CL final.

  5. Just spotted you Q!!

    Well my user name says it all.


  6. i made a purely random descision in 1997 to support liverpool and ive been happy since. i was born in london and moved to bristol in 1996

  7. I was born in Ashton-Under-Lyne which is about 7 miles out of Manchester city centre - 10 minutes on the train. I've also lived in Denton, Levenshulme and, just before I left, I lived in the city center near Piccadilly Gardens for a couple of years.

    So I spent all but the last 2 years of my life in the area, supporting United.

    Funny that you mention Johnny Briggs, as he was on the tram with me the other week when I was on my way back into town after picking up some tickets from Old Trafford! There were loads of empty seats on the tram but he didn't sit down, he just stood by the doors getting in people's way... Didn't realise he was a Chelsea fan.

  8. i am a Man Utd fan and in a truthful answer to your question no i have no connection to Manchester at all i support them purely because that was the first kit i was given as a present when i was 6 by my dad i have no idea why he picked a Man Utd kit because he hates them, he asked me what i wanted for my birthday i said a footy kit when he asked me what one all i said was a red or white one (because my 2 best mates at the time supported Leeds and Sheffield Utd) so i could be supporting Liverpool(thank god that didn't happen), Barnsley, Bolton, etc. There are no footballing reasons involved what so ever and he didn't pick them because they were the best as this was in 91.

    And to be honest i don't think it matters where you are from as long as you put your heart and soul into supporting your team and follow them through the good and the bad times luckily for me there haven't been many bad times and i'm sure a lot of clubs would gladly swap our bad times for theirs!

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