Premier league News: Aston Villa
Aston Villa midfielder considers Manchester United and English Legend David Beckham as his role model and would want to replicate the impact of the player towards British football - both off and on the pitch. was recently awarded BBC’s Life time year award for his outstanding services towards British football. Beckham has been outstanding for England since his debut in 1997 and has since made 115 appearances for the Three Lions. The player received
a standing ovation from everyone present at the BBC Sports Events and Albrighton claimed he would love to be at the same level as him.
"I think the ovation he received was thoroughly deserved. Off the pitch and on the pitch, he's unbelievable. As a man and a player, he's an example. He is brilliant. As a role model he is fantastic. He rightly deserved the award and totally deserved the
respect of his peers in the theatre on the night. He was someone I looked up to when I was a young lad growing up and watching football. If I could cross half as well as he did, my team-mates at Villa would be very, very happy," claimed the Aston Villa midfielder.
Albrighton is one the upcoming talents in English football and have given immense performances for his club. The player has been compared to Beckham for his devotion towards the game but Albrighton would have to play on his best always if he has to come
near to Beckham. Beckham was’s most valuable player of the 90’s. The player had superior ball curling technique and was a free kick specialist. Beckham was a genuine winger how delivered pin point crosses along with taking a shot or two on his own.
His half line goal to Wimbledon goalkeeper remains one of the proudest moments in English Football and there is no question that Beckham would always remain an English legend. The player has enjoyed success in all the clubs he has gone to and still is an icon
for English football.