
Premium, specialty spices not McCormick or any other found at regular stores?

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I want top of the line...."ashton martin" of the spices




  1. Penzey's sells spices and herbs online which are really good.  Go to and buy your spices there wholesale.

  2. I know in my town (a big city) there is a spice store where you can buy any spice known to man.  At the mall, there is usually a cooks store, mostly pots and pans but many also sell spices and uncommon ingredients.  Call and ask first, or just check the next time you are at the mall.  Are there any ethnic markets near you.  Italian, Korean, Middle Eastern, etc.?  They will often carry spices.  Ask a chef or restaurant owner. Finally, you can purchase on line.  Here is the link for My Spicer.  They have great stuff and a huge selection. They also have a toll free number so you can call and talk to an expert and get exactly what you need and they will ship small quantities.  Good luck in your gastronomic pursuits.

  3. I know Safeway carries the Morton & Basset line which is really good.  Not sure if that is "Aston-Martin" enough for you but they are a lot better than McCormick!

  4. If you are  in Canada , try The great Superstore, if  in UK try Asian stores or go to Hounslow where they have Indian shops- if in Singapore try Momed Mustaphas!

  5. Dean & DeLuca:**c...


    Avanti Savoia:

  6. Buy herbs and spices in bulk when possible. A good herballist shop should have a turnover rate that ensures you get fresh herbs and spices, not stuff that's been in storage forever.

    Or try growing your own! You don't need a lot of land--a few pots will do. You can start from seeds available online or at a good nursery.

    Try WholeFoods, or online. You mean "Aston Martin"--James Bond's sportscar.

  7. It is not so much about the company, it's about how the sell it and how they store it.

    If it's prepackaged in plastic or already ground, it's not worth buying. Hence, most companies that sell spices in supermarkets or prepacked spices are not worth buying from, regardless of how "exclusive" they claim to be.

    Your best bet is to go to a reputable store that sells in bulk and that buys in bulk from farmers in the country of origin. Only buy if they store their spices in dark containers and if the store is cool. Light, heat, and air destroy the flavor of any spice.

    Buy a small quantity of whole spices (not ground), and ask them to give you a small tin can or a dark container that seals very tight.

    Grind right before you use it, and briefly toast the spices if you have the time.

    If you live in a larger city, there should be many spice stores. If you live in a smaller area where there are no specialized stores, try to find an ethnic store because their spices are usually fresher.

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