
Premium bonds? sell buy more or just keep on praying or put on bonfire?

by  |  earlier

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i have had premium bonds vertually since day 1 about 40 odd years never won a penny is this a record shall isell them or keeep them




  1. Sell them and buy new ones. Honestly, I had the same problem and it worked!

  2. You're not like my grandma are you? She got hers 60 years ago and is confused to why she hasn't won anything. I had to explain that with £1 worth of bonds, you DON'T win!

    Think it's just pot luck, I've got quite a few and haven't won a penny.

  3. If you can afford the maximum amount (£30,000) then you're likely to get a couple of wins a month on average.

    then Yahoo throws this rubbish at me:

    <<Hmm... it looks like you have a lot of punctuation.>>

    Now, 1: Where is all that excessive punctuation, and

    2: It then tells me that ITS OWN "Hmm..." is mis-spelled!

    God Bless the Yanks, nobody else will !

  4. sell,!!

  5. The more you have in there the more chance you have of wining. I win about £200 a year with £1600. I say keep em and buy some more, you never know!

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