
Premonition? Strange occurence? What was this??

by Guest66991  |  earlier

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A few weeks ago I went into my bathroom & not looking down realized I stepped on something wet. Having 8 cats (inside only, don't go out) I figured it was a hairball but when I looked down it was a small pool of faint pink blood w/some splatter all around. I immediately found all of my cats which were all sleeping after just eating & everyone was fine. I washed the rug & didn't think nothing of it until about a week later. I board pets for a living out of my home. One morning I found a boarded cat w/3 small pools of blood & splatter everywhere in his cage. (When I found this on my rug he wasn't here yet & boarded animals do not go in my home!) Here he had a brain tumor that hemorraged & I had to put him down. What in the world was this? A sign? How was I supposed to know what it meant until after the fact? No I do not do drugs and I've never seen Harry Potter either LOL!




  1. I think this was a strange occurence. Just reading the whole story is a very strange thing. It does seem like some sort of sign, but not sure what it could mean? You better just treat it as a strange occurence. Are you sure you never dreamed the first puddle of blood?

  2. What would this have been a sign of exactly?  Did your carpet have a premonition of a cat's brain tumor?  I don't really understand what you're asking.  I would say it's more likely you are either misremembering the course of events or else there is possibly another cat with an illness that causes it to cough blood.

  3. Most of the people who answer in this forum are serious de-bunkers - to them no kind of paranormal activity exists period, they won't give you an inch they don't take paranormal claims seriously and will rudely dispatch your claims.

    If the blood was physical and you had to clean it up, could have been from something else (there could be any number of rational explanations).

    If you didn't clean up the blood and it disappeared on its own then I would have been worried of hallucinating. It seems an isolated incident and probably won't happen again.

    You have to be careful putting coincidence together before you are sure.

  4. hummm, pray, lots of prayer.

  5. I have numerous cats, dogs and horses.  I've noticed that on occasion I find something, (blood, vomit, even p**p) on the floor that I can't explain after examining all animals.  Pets are covered with fur and one may have had a sore that you couldn't find that bled.  My advice is just to forget about it.  The situation with the boarded kitty with the brain hemorrhage was unfortunate and sad, but  these things happen.  

    BTW, if you "didn't think nothing of it", that means you thought something of it.  I don't mean to criticize, but the way you speak may be the reason for people questioning your IQ.

  6. I do think wush is wrong...this definitely is a paranormal question. You want to know if this was a type of spiritual premonition about what was going to happen...the cat with the brain tumor. I don't know...I'd watch the other cats closely. There might be a cat disease going around. I'm sure you asked the vet about it.

  7. No, I think it's more likely a sign that one of your cats is ill as well.  You might want to get them checked out.

  8. Maybe you should work less for a while and relax.

    It can be you are just overtired by your pets. They probably don't know what a weekend is.

    I'd say premonition isn't as likely. But you never know.

  9. Up until you got to the part with the boarded cat, I would have asked if any of your cats are female. We had a female cat that would bleed enough during her cycle to leave blood behind when she would sit for too long.

    I'm not sure about the boarded cat scenario. But I wouldn't worry about it unless something like that keeps happening. No use in worrying yourself unnecessarily.

  10. I'd say that its a coincidence.  Most likely one of your cats just spit a little blood up, it happens.  Maybe it had bleeding gums or something.  I certainly hope that they are all okay, I love my cat and would be devestated if anything happened to it.

  11. Just a bloody coincidence. maybe one of your other cats has a similar problem?

  12. Sounds pretty curious to me! I've read about this kind of thing and it turns out that this type of phenomenon actually ocurs more often than you think. In one of my recent college English papers, I wrote about this typeof thing happening all aross the country and people simply wrote it off as fake or coincidence. But with you, how could something like that happen twice? How could something like that happen even a few weeks before the cat was even boarded? Perhaps you really do have some sort of gift. Maybe this time it was just more noticeable. If I were you, I would be looking for other things that would give me a sign and pay attention to the things going on around you. After all, some signs aren't as gross as that one and you may not notice them as much as a a wamr glob of nastiness on the bottom of your foot! :)

  13. R you for Real!!!!

  14. I am in a Paranormal Group in Michigan and it sounds like you have an entity that likes to pull some rather nasty pranks on you.

        I don't it is anything that will phyically harm you.  I have seen the Harry Potter movies and have read all 7 books.That has no reason why I say what you may have in your home.  They are usually called poltergeists.

        You can do what we do to rid the house of it for good.  We smudge everybody first and the we use Holy on our Foreheads and we keep the smudge stick burning as this is the way that gets rid of this sort of things.  You have to keep your wits about you and you have to be the Strongest in doing this.

        Don't do alone and use a White Candle.  It would be so cool if you knew how to use the white candle or use whoever is there for them to know yes or no to your questions.  One knock means NO, Yes is 2 knocks  but  I would not reccomend doing this sort of things unless you have done it before, but you can get rid of it with the Smudge stick and the Holy Water and just be loud and you mean attitude and tell it to leave, let it know it is dead and they must go to the Light now as family is waiting for them and that this is your home not theirs and just keep directing them into the light.   They will see the light we do not.  And a great sense of peace should come over you and the home will feel safe.

         I am only telling you what works for us on an investigation to cleanse a place.  You may get other suggesetions and you use what is the best sounding to you.  Good Luck.  I know you can do this!!

  15. yes, if your cat is spitting up blood it is a sign that he might have something really wrong. Of course, if you are not a Vet or doctor, then you might not know what.

    Chances are there was nothing you could do for the cat once it started spitting up blood, so you should not feel guilty, you didnt do anything wrong.

    I do not understand how this ended up in paranormal? Cats with brain tumors that hemorage will spatter blood. Its not a psychic thing.

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