
Premonitions? Coincidence or not? Do you believe in them or have you had one?

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I woke up one morning so sick-like just a bad feeling sick. Later that night my 2 cousins were killed in a horrific car accident. My sister and other cousin had had dreams about death just nights before and even I had woke up in a cold sweat having a dream of a car and fiery death.

Lately Ive been getting scared. I keep having a dream of a death of someone even closer to me, one that keeps me up all night and worries me while he's gone by day. I try to think positively but Ive had so many experiences with bad feelings and "premonitions" that I can no longer tell whats what.




  1. I believe that you should pray and ask Jesus Christ to protect that particular person you are having bad feelings about. Better to be safe than sorry.

  2. I would say this is a bit of confirmation bias and coincidence.

    First of all, due to the random nature of dreams they aren't always remembered correctly.  Second, dreams of death aren't that uncommon.

    It sounds like the death of your cousins (my condolences) have been affecting your dreams and your general emotions.  This isn't surprising.  I know when I first came in close contact with death I was pretty anxious as well.  These feelings are not premonitions.  I would recommend you just relax a bit.

  3. Only 1 in my life, and it could be a wild coincidence. My premonitions take the form of 'friendly warnings'--conscience, if you will, that each time I didn't heed it, the result was tragic. The one I spoke of was a dream that came true, the others were feelings of impending trouble that I chose to ignore. The trouble happened, and I knew better. There's a lot more going on in this world than is taught in school.

  4. wow. i've had little ones like i would dream of someone then i would see them the next day.

  5. I believe in premonitions. Hope everything turns out OK for you...

  6. Yes I have had many that came true. First you must learn to control your feelings that you keep yourself under control. Go with your feelings, they usually come as warnings first, let those know whom need to know, that's all you have to do. Perhaps since you're more sensitive to these feeling than they are, that perhaps your to relate the message.

  7. Wow that is kind of scary. But I don't believe in premonitions.

  8. A few months ago I had a dream of an airshow crash and all these kids were in the audience running away from falling debris from the skies. 2 days later in Germany a plane at an airshow crashed into a carousel killing some children. I have had alot of dreams like this and things have happened. But on the other hand I have had those types of dreams and nothing of any great significance has happened. The best thing to do is just get on with life. Im sure nothing will come of it. Just cherish and validate the people close to you in you life now. Because whether you have possible premonitions or not, things during peoples lifetimes are going to happen beyond our control, and living life and dwelling on it or living in fear rather than spending that time being close with family is not a good thing to do. Hope this helps :)

  9. I believe that some people have premonitions all the time and that all of us at one time or other has had them at least once anyway.

    I would not freak just yet. I suggest keeping a journal writing down any and all times you think you might be having a premonition. Be thorough and describe your experience the time of day, they day of the week, and month and year and all your feelings at the time.

    This way if you have true premonitions on a regular basis you have documented it for yourself and if it turns out it is just worry, it may ease your mind some.

    I believe if it turns out you have a real gift and it is something that is regular with you then there is a reason for it, but I am not you so I cannot say what that reason is.


  10. I believe in premontions, when did you start having the death dreams of this person close to you, if it started after you cousins death I think it's, the one about the cousins i think that was your intution.

  11. some are bad dreams adn some are just unexpalianable.

    my aunt had a dream her sons came over and one stabbed another with a jalepeno-cutting knife and a police came in because one of the cars were parked strangly and saw the son bleeding to death

    later that week her sons came over and one brought the jalepeno-cutting knife he was cutting away while visiting with his brother and my aunt kept on saying "please, please dont fight , please put  down that knife" and a police came in for the reason she dreamt and nothing was foing on beacuase she plaeded for them not to fight. so every one ended up safe and sound.

  12. Premonitions are very susceptible to confirmation bias. When you have a vague feeling then something happens, you notice it and remember it. You may even add details to your memory after the fact. When you have a vague feeling and nothing happens you don't remember it. It is easy to convince yourself you are having premonitions if a couple of dreams or feelings come true coincidentally. No one in human history has had reliable premonitions or a reliable ability to predict the future, so it is unlikely that you do.

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