
Prenatal pills while TTC

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I am taking Womans One a day. It comes with 2 vitamins to take daily. Anyone else use this brand?




  1. I am currently ttc and I was told by my obgyn to take the prenatal vitamins that Wal-Mart sells.  It is a green bottle with a yellow cap.  For 240 of them you will pay around $8.00 for them.  I also asked a nurse that I go to church with and she said that you can even take Flintstone vitamins.  They taste a lot better.  Hope this helps.

  2. Like the One a Day for Women vitamins? Or is this actually a prenantal vitamin? If it is just the vitamin formulated for women, I would recommend picking an actual prenatal vitamin, because they contain the amount of folic acid your baby will need to develop properly...especially the spinal column! I take the generic brand of prenatal vitamins from walmart.  the bottle of 200 of them was about $6 if I remember correctly.  

  3. My Dr had me start prenatals this week because we are trying. I didn't get that last pregnancy I accidently grabbed some that were 2 a day and hated it. I don't handle pills well so the less the better for me.

  4. I take the generic walmart ones too! They are pretty awesome... Where I live they were only $4! What a deal!

  5. Is this a woman's vitamin or a prenatal pill? I have heard of  the One a day  brand but am not sure if there is also a women's multi-vitamin pill with the same name as the new prenatal vitamin. Most prenatal vitamins you only have to take one pill a day. If they are womens vitamins, I would suggest going and getting the prenatal vitamins. However I havent used it. If the one you are taking says prenatals on the bottle, then just keep taking it because it has all the things the baby needs.

  6. I had a midwife suggest this brand and after some research found that many women loved it.  It's a natural organic prenatal vitamin.  It's called New Chapter Perfect Prenatal. I've included a link to the cheapest place I could find it.  Google it to find some reviews.  That's what I did.

  7. I did for a couple weeks  when I found out I was pregnant.. but they had too much iron in it and made me sick so I had to switch.

  8. my doc told me to take folic acid supplements.

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