
Preparation Training?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I've applied for the paras and I've been doing circuit training everyday over the past few months mainly working on upper body strength and Ive just started to do 1.5 mile run 5 times a week.

My personal best for the 1.5 mile run is 9:21 but I haven't ran in a few months, I've done a 1.5 mile run to day and finished it in 10:29 so my fitness has gone down.

I would like to now if there is any techniques I can do to get around 8-9mins on the 1.5 mile run within a few weeks or months.





  1. The analysis would be speed and endurance so you could try running say 1200 mts at the speed you have to attain if you are in touch then increase the distance until you are back or better than what you want I would not try to run the whole 1.5 miles and finish outside your time I think that is pointlesss also join an athletics club to get regular competiition over 15oo mts you can then tag onto someone near or a little better than your speed

  2. insted of do more circut training cut down on the strengh work and work on you anarobic fitnes circit train will help so this tim try fartlek training or run more !!

  3. You just have to start running regularly again.

    If you are fit then when you return to running after a rest you do drop back a bit - running muscles get a little weaker - and so all you have to do is get back on the roads again. I think its something like 2 days to get back for each week off - so 2 months off running, takes 16 days to get back again, or say 3 weeks to get back to sort of running fitness.
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