
Preparations for a job interview?

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I really need to do well with this, but usually I get so nervous that I can't remember anything! From my feedback from my last interview they said I didn't seem nervous at all, just that I didn't know my stuff (and I do, but I'd forgotten everything!)

What shall I do beforehand to calm myself down? And what do I need to bring or remember? Its a trainee secretary job.




  1. I go to a tough school, so I can kinda relate to this. First off, make sure that you have all the common questions down cold. Like, why should we pick you? How did you get into this field of work? What are your dreams for the future? On the morning of the interview, try to be as routine as possible. This always seem to calm people. That doesn't mean don't think about it. The flashcard idea isn't bad, but if your job includes talking in front of people alot, then it would be better if you didn't need them. If you aren't confident, fake it. Charm the person interviewing you, and stay focused. Good Luck!!!!

  2. practice in front of people like your family & then pretend you're in front of your family when you do the actual interview. Just be yourself, but if you practice you'll be less likely to forget everything

  3. Practice, practice and practice.  

    Go over your information over and over again out loud.

    Get comfortable hearing yourself talk.

    Confidence will get you through!

  4. do what I do....smoke a little herb....have a brewski.....ask myself " do these guys even DESERVE me as an employee.....the pay isn't all that great.....I'll probably be working with people who aren't as smart as me (few are).....then I drink another beer....then take a nap or listen to some music.....then I decide not to go to the interview....and that is how I became vice-president of Geoffrey Browne Solutions in Tampa, not working for some idiot  I have to prove myself to....but by making THEM prove they are WORTHY of ME.....that's good advice kiddo.....I wouldn't hire some one who brings flash cards as they obviously don't know their stuff....this isn't a high school exam

  5. Make sure you go to the bathroom first and check your makeup & hair. Brush your teeth or use breath spray shortly before you have the interview. Dress appropriately.

    Do some research on the company you're interviewing for. Make sure you know the job description.

    A little bit of nervousness shows that you care about getting the job. That will work in your favor.

  6. meditate and an old but effective way is practice with a friend him/her the interviewer and u the whatever they call them

    good luck :)

  7. Bring flashcards.

    Explain to the interveiwer, you brought

    those due to your nervous-ness.

    Try taking Really deep breaths.

    Holding them a little too.

    Or maybe try a really loud, tiring, laugh =]

    Confidence is Key =]

    Good luck!

  8. prepare before ur interview... if ur prepared there is nothing to be nervous about

  9. Bring your references and some samples of your writing capabilities. Ask for the opportunity to show your typing skills.

    BE CALM. If you are nervous, say so. They will understand and may help you out.  

  10. Interviews are very stressful.

    So I would recommend--show up about an hour earlier than the interview.  If you are in car wait there (if it is not hot).  If you are on public transportation find somewhere in the shade.

    (basically, you don't want to look flustered because you had to run from the bus stop or you couldn't find parking)

    For  that hour, take deep breaths and relax, organize your thoughts, if you have some literature about the company read it.

    Make sure you go to the bathroom before hand, if you have already had your morning cup of coffee, don't get another one.

    If you are hungry have a banana...don't eat anything that will splash back or drop crumbs on your outfit.

    set your watch to 20m before the interview, so you allow yourself plenty of time to get there without having to run.

    good luck

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