Hi there everyone,
I recently bought a new apartment and I wish to either paint or wallpaper my living room.
If you kindly take a quick look at these photos, you'll get a good idea as to my situation -
There were 5 layers of wallpaper on the wall - going back to the 40's when the building was built! I'll need to hire a steamer to finish the job.
As you can see in the photos, there was originally an entrance into the adjacent room, which was later replaced with a doorway, and later again blocked up entirely. Plaster board was used to block up the old door. It wasn't done very well and cracks had formed in the wall tearing through the wallpaper layers. As a result, I shall block-up (with plasterboard), this old entrance into the adjacent bedroom again.
The rest of the wall in the living room is concrete. If I rub my hand on the wall, sand comes off on it. As you can see in the photos, this wall is a little damaged around the entrance into the adjacent room. This has been caused by the hammering of nails into the wall in this area when the door frame was installed. How should I fix this?
What options have I for create a surface in this room which will allow me a) to paint or b) to wallpaper.
Thanks for your help,