
Preparing for Formal Schooling?

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My daughter is 4 and will be going to 'prep' next year - the first formal step in education here. Although its play based etc, I am nervous I have not prepared her enough. I have read all the guidelines etc and can't beleive that they expect a child that old to be able to write their name, count, know some of thier alphabet etc BEFORE going to school. my question is - how have others prepared thier kids in order for them to go to school. We cook together, paint every second or third day on bi sheets of paper, have a garden, I read every night we have loads of books and games. I didn't send her to kindy as I wanted her home for as long as I could. ( stay at home mum) Other parents send thier kids off to music, sporting craft lessetc.. I never have. I love being a mum but maybe I am not doing enough?




  1. You are doing exactly what you should be. You have taught her to enjoy learning and you have introduced her to the basics. She will learn to write her name now and she probably already knows the difference between letters and numbers. If you would feel better show her name to her in written letters and if she wants to start writing it then that is fine. Just write it often throughout the day and make it a game. Maybe write Mom too and show her how letters spell words. Counting is always fun. Start by counting all the chairs in your house, do it together then count other things in the house and see who comes up with the same number. Don't worry just enjoy your time with her. You are a really caring and good mom. Of course being a mom and grandma I should know better than to say not worry! But you are involved with your daughter and I am sure that won't change once she goes on to formal school.

  2. You are doing fine. As long as she has those basics she will be fine. There is too much emphasis on jump-starting a child so hard and fast that they go directly from the womb to university. She has a well rounded life at home, and you have done well to include her in the things that you have. She will be fine and will get the job done.  :)

  3. As the previous responders have noted, please don't be nervous about having prepared your daughter for her first step in formal education.

    Most places do want incoming students to have some exposure to the basics before they start school as it is easier for the teachers to have a "level" class.

    The writing of the name is mainly so that children can take resposnibility/owernship of their work. Instead of using pencil and paper, make her aware of her name and the letters in it by using a chalkboard or drawing it in a sandbox.

    As for counting, if you are doing cooking with her she already recognizes numerals and you can continue to make it fun by adding counting into the daily rountine - counting steps from garden to door or from the fridge to the pantry.

    Your daughter will continue to learn the things she needs in school. You are off to a great start with her and so long as she is happy, she is absorbing many things from the environment around her. Children are like sponges, they pick up so many things that we are not aware of  until they come out with it one day and we adults are left to wonder "where on earth did they learn that from?"

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