
Preparing for a BIG night out 2mra night!?

by  |  earlier

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Hiya! I am going on a big night out round the local city since its bank holiday. I have a new dress etc, and got some new hair extensions.

I really want to look my best, I have all day 2day and 2mra to prepare anyone got any tips to look amazing, I want to look really radiant and glowing, as well as s**y! any tips to make myself stand out???

tipppsss, anything from make-up to skin care and what to eat, clothing etc.


L x




  1. take out hair extentions so you look natural not like a sl*t

  2. Stay home and play Scrabble. LOL.  But seriously, Scrabble is nice..

  3. I've no tips but have fun!!

  4. If you want your eyes to be bright drink lots of milk - it makes the whites of your eyes whiter. If you want your skin to be clear drink lots of water and this also makes your eyes brighter too : ). Don't drink too many fizzy drinks or eat too many greasy/fatty foods as they may make you bloated.

    You could get your nails done?

    Wear your dress with a chunky waist belt to make your waist look really slim. If your dress is a dark colour (eg. black, grey, etc) wear bright coloured tights/leggings or belt. Also wear a pair of peep-toe heels with a small platform to them like these:

    and lots of chunky jewellery:

    Also I would recommend giving the extentions a miss unless they look completely real...go for more of a classic look - its more appreciated by people when they think you look natural : )

    If you want a more funky look you could try using some body glitter. Buy a pot of glitter powder and a make-up brush and brush a subtle amount across your chest and shoulder (I'd stay away from the face).

    To make yourself stand out you just have to look like your having fun - don't be too loud and rowdy lol but laugh with your friends a lot, dance have a few drinks and basically just have fun!

    Hope you have a good night! :D

  5. don't go overboard on the make-up or fake tan, don't eat like a slob and don't get TOO drunk, put some of those gel things in your shoes to make them more comfortable to you won't be in pain as the night goes on, don't snog loads of different people keep your drink with you at all times so no'one slips anything into it without you knowing don't be afraid to have a good time just don't go overboard, always take spare emergancy money with you (not for extra drinks, for a taxi or in case of actall emergancies but don't tell anyone about it because they will just want it for more drinks) take your lipstick or lipgloss with you to re-apply in the bathroom take chewingum or mints or a breathe fressner incase you see anyone you fancy, you don't want to taste like kebab do you lol, don't put on too many accessories like jewellry or hats or belts or anything less is more you wanna look great and s**y without looking too messy and over-done lol wear clean knickers lol haha keep the number of a taxi place/firm in your handbag so you have a ride home or alsway have a sensible sober designated driver to take you home other than that enjoy have fun be confident and dance the night away  

  6. -make sure all your skin is fresh and clean

    -use moisturisers

    -use eyelash curlers

    -fake eye lashes or vasiline on eyelashes to extend

    -blow dry hair

    -wear extentions but put in properly

    -bend mascara brush for more uplifting look

    -warm eyeliner up

    sorry thats all i know.. hope i helped (:

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