
Preschool Clean up song?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking to find the artist and CD of a particular clean up song. I'm a preschool teacher and the teacher next door had this awesome clean up song. He's since left the school and I wasn't able to ask him for it before he left. My co-teacher says she thinks its by Jim Gill. It goes "Clean up time, clean up time, (something something something something) clean up time." Hey... it was through a wall, I'm trying my best. And there was something about boys and girls cleaning. I've downloaded a bunch of great (and not so great) clean up songs... but still haven't found this one. Any ideas are appreciated!!





    This one is really cute and once you watch this video on Youtube there is a link to similiar songs.  I'm sure you will find it on Youtube.  Good Luck!

  2. well if it helps barney  has a  clean up  song to  you can go to you tube and lessen to  it  ( Barney clean up song)

  3. Not sure if this is it but its by Mr. Al Rasso and you can find the Cd's at

    there is also a clip you can download from the site to see if its the right song

    It's clean up time, clean up time, clean up time,

    Clean up time, clean up time, clean up time.

    Boys and girls it's clean up time.

    Look at ________cleaning up, Look at _______cleaning up.

    Look at ________cleaning up, Look at _______cleaning up.

    Look at ________cleaning up, Look at _______cleaning up.

    Look at ________cleaning up, Look at _______cleaning up.

    Because it's clean up time. Clean up time.

    Clean up time. Boys and girls it's clean up time.


    Look at ________cleaning up, Look at _______cleaning up.

    Look at ________cleaning up, Look at _______cleaning up.

    Look at ________cleaning up, Look at _______cleaning up.

    Look at ________cleaning up, Look at _______cleaning up.

    Because it's clean up time. Clean up time.

    Clean up time. Boys and girls it's clean up time.


  4. Clean up Clean up

    Everybody everywhere.

    Clean up Clean up.

    Everybody do your share.

    (repeat till area is clean)

  5. I know my little cousin who is in pre-k watches barney evry morning and his song goes like:: "Clean up clean up everybody clean up no one likes a mess so lets put are knowlage to the test and clean up clean up everybody clean!!" lol i find it very catchy lol hope that helped

  6. Clean up

    Clean up

    Everybody everywhere

    Clean up

    Clean up

    Everybody do your share

    Clean up

    Clean up

    Everybody having fun

    Clean up

    Clean up

    Everybody everywhere

  7. google Jim Gill I guess.

    We sing to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell

    It's time to pick up toys

    It's time to pick up toys

    Put them away for another day

    it's time to pick up toys

  8. Barney Clean Up

    Clean up Clean up everybody do your share


    here is a good one , short but there are more on you-tube even a dora the explorer one my daughter loves .... good luck

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