We are living in Toronto Area. I remember my 4-year-old was very active and social before 2-year-old (I mean not shy in playground, active when there was circle time at the library etc).I sent him to a private school since he was-2-year old on part time basis (3 days/week). But to my surprise, I found he was extremely shy, seldom talk and when talking, he talks extremely low voice in school even after 2 years in school. Although we mainly speak Mandarin at home and he speak better Mandarin than his peer, I have a little bit concern that his English is not picking up as his peer and as it suppose to be. I also think the reason he is not talking in school is because his english is hard to communicate with his classmate.
Is there anyway I can improve his english language ability? Where can I take him for a language assignment in GTA area?