
Preschool Games?

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Ok so I work at a preschool mainly with 2 or 3 year olds and I need some new ideas for games that will hold their attention. We have been singing songs this week because I have been out of ideas...and I have a feeling that it wont last much longer. lol. Nothing too complicated or that requires materials...thanks!




  1. I know you said no materials, but this shouldn't be too bad.  The only game I remember from preschool was using make-shift fishing poles with a magnet on the end instead of a hook.  The whole class would go fishing for paper cut-out fish with paper clips on their mouths.  That was fun!  It had to have been, b/c it's the one thing I remember besides riding on Big Wheels around the playground.

  2. duck duck goose?

    ring around the rosie?

    Also, these games will tire them out and you can do nap time! ;0)

  3. Mr. fox

  4. Ask the children what kinds of games they would like to play. Even have them make up games...their imagination is going to be better than yours, and it will be something they want to do.


  5. i have played alot of games with the campers at my camp.

    for instance:

    sharks and minnows: just like tag, but at hte beginning you pick two sharks and the rest of the kids are minnows. The sharks run after the minnows and have to tag them. and all of the minnows who are tagged become sharks.

    you can also designate safe spots where you cannot get tagged

    who statred the motion: get in a circle and choose a detective. the detective goes away form the circle and the rest of the people in the circle pick a "leader" and they all follow the leader with motions. and the detective get chaces to try to find out who the "leader" is.

    these are the easiest games i could think of for 2-4 yr olds.

  6. How about get a basketball or a regular ball and roll it to each other with their legs open so they could catch it easy. How about playing that game about the dog losing his bone. I gotta another one, the 7 up game. That one seem like it might work. Duck duck goose.

  7. Oh my gosh, so many options!

    1. Take birdseed and place bowls in the table with the birdseed, see who can fill up the bowl fastest!

    2. You can purchase cheap plastic or silk flowers and little plastic pots, take them outside and see who can fill their pots the fastest or get the most flowers. Explain first about encouragement and how it does not matter who wins.

    3. Use sidewalk chalk to draw circles,one for each child, let them stand inside, you can play music while they "circle hop" or teach them about personal space and not letting others inside their circle.

    4. Use a long piece of rope and have them all hold on while you pretend to be a catipillar.

    I would suggest you check out

    I hope this helps. I've been teaching preschool for over 14 years.

    God bless!

  8. fish aquarium {its edible}

    materials: blue jello,sweedish fish,plastic cups


    1. make the jello the way it says on the box.

    2. pour mix in seperate cups.

    3. when jello is almost done add the fishys.

    4. let it set all the way.

    5. eat and enjoy!

  9. I also teach preschool, and my kids love this Bakery Shop game.  All you need is to cut out various shapes from construction paper and paste them to popsicle sticks, and to have some play money available as well.  Split the kids into equal groups, (one group will be the "money" and each child in that group gets a piece of play money, while the other group are "cookies" and each child can hold on the construction paper shapes).  Each group lines up at opposite ends of the classroom.  The teacher counts the children on the cookie side, and for this example lets say there are 5 children.  She says the rhyme:

    5 Little cookies in the bakery shop

    you know the kind with sugar and sprinkles on top

    along came (name of a child holding money) with some money to pay

    he/she bought that cookie and they ran away!

    the child holding the money gets to run over the teacher, hand over the money, and when the teacher says "ran away" the cookie child and money child hold hands and run away :)

    The kids LOVE it, everyone wants to take turns being cookies!!  It keeps them busy for hours!!!!

  10. you can try playing tictactoe, connect four, memory games

  11. tell every one to stand at one side of the room and you and one kid stand at the other. You say what time is it mr/mrs. fox (depending on the gender of the child) that child will say "it is ___ o'clock ( he or she will pick a number 1-11)  Lets say she/he said its 5 o cklock, all the children will take 5 steps. She/he will keep saying a different time untill you, the teacher, squeeze her hand secretly. Then she will say it is 12 o clock and all the children run back. the girl/boy thats it will chase them and try to get them before they get back. If she/he gets someone there will be two foxes. Now you will trade of asking what time it is. Lets say Emma and joe are the two foxes. You will trade of saying what time is it joe fox and what time is it emma fox. When you say there name they will say the number just like the beginning. Lets say everyone exept one kid is a fox. They will play against that one girl/boy left. When the say 12 o clock every one chases the boy/girl left. If they don't get him or her don't keep on going and going untill they get the last child. Tell the child to switch with you so she/he is one of the foxes (you would still say what time is it ____ fox?) when the last child says midnight let them get you. It is really fun. I remember playing it in preeschool.
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