
Preschool Memories?

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Do you remember any preschool memories? Mine was when I was in preschool, I locked a boy in his locker, because he wanted me to test it to see if it works! (You know, how dumb and young we were!) So I shut the locker, and left. And later, he was screaming and cryin'! I didn't get in trouble cuz the teachers knew I didn't know better... So thats mine, how about you?




  1. I don't remember anything..., but only 1, I kneed my friend's balls...

  2. What we remember from this age tends to be a significant event in our life.  Whether we can translate what that means on our own or not might be a different question.  

    I remember a few more things than most of the friends I talk to, but I also stayed in contact with the teachers in my preschool years for many years.  Many of them are a big influence on me now and have helped me a lot, so it is easier to remember them than if I just walked away and never saw them again.

    One memory that really stands out for me is .. I must have been 3 or so?  My parents were having a group of Montessori teachers over for a meeting.  I was in the bathroom - my dad was giving me a bath.  I heard people coming in, but suddenly heard one particular teacher.  She has a very Scottish accent, so I knew it was her.  I looked at my dad and said, "That's MARTHA!"  

    Not waiting to dry off or even wrap a towel around me, I went running down the hallway, full speed, stark naked, dripping wet, to greet Martha as she was coming in and give her a huge hug around her leg.  

    I think it would be inappropriate to do that now, nearly 30 years later.  At the time, though, it was perfect.

  3. I remember falling asleep during nap time and waking up in like 3 hours to have the whole class towering over me.. just staring like they've NEVER seen a sleeping person. I was like "..what? what happened?!" And they were like "your mom's been here for 15 minutes and you were sleeping"...

  4. I didn't go to preschool but I have a kindergarten memory, well it's actually my mom's memory but i'll use it. She says I never went anywhere with anyone besides her up until then so she thought i would be scared in school on the first day so she went as far as to tell the teacher that I was going to be scared and she needed to stay for a bit to get meused to it. Well, ha to her because as soon as i was settled it i said bye mommy see you when you pick me up. Well mommy was a sad sad woman that day. :) And with that said guess what happened to me when i took my daughter to her first day at preschool??? YEP same thing

  5. I remember at lunchtime I didn't eat the lunch so I only ate the packets of ketchup...I used to sit in the corner by myself playing with toy dinosaurs....and I hit this guy I liked in the back of the head with a wooden block (i was banned from the block area from then on)....when we lined up for recess we had to 'hug our bears' so we wouldn't touch anyone....and on the playground we would play Power Rangers....and thats it.

  6. All I remember is a building and nap time.

  7. You were lucky enough to go to pre school. I unfortunately had a 80 year old babysitter so I got into other kinds of

  8. i remember playing with the kitchen set in the classroom and there was a huge rug that had numbers and the alphabet on there. i also remember my teacher would have a huge bucket of candy that she would let us choose from every friday and she would always say "you touch it you take it"
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