
Preschool Teacher in Orange county California?

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I have been pondering a career change and have always wanted to become a preschool teacher or an assistant preschool teacher. What do I have to do or what classes do I have to take to get me in the door?Please help. I love kids and This would be a great job for me. Please only serious answers. thanks




  1. start taking classes in college.  Right now you only need a few core classes, but the trend in the pre-school arena is to bring the standards up.  Eventually you will need a college degree in Early Childhood Education.  Check out your local Junior College for a program with these types of classes.

  2. Well I have a degree to teach Preschool in California; which took me several years to get while working full time. You need an Associate of Arts degree and it normally takes about half the classes you need to teach elementary school to become a teacher. Just keep in mind the pay is horrible and you do the same job as an elementary school teacher for about 30% of the pay. Also keep in mind that you normally have about 4 to 7 times the responsibilities of an Elementary School Teacher. If you love children it might be better to teach kindergarten; the pay is better and you'll get a lot more support.

  3. start taking classes in college. Right now you only need a few core classes, but the trend in the pre-school arena is to bring the standards up. Eventually you will need a college degree in Early Childhood Education. Check out your local Junior College for a program with these types of classe

  4. check out your local Jr. college and see what child development classes they have. right now you need about 12 ece (early childhood education) units to be an assistant and 24 to be a teacher, that's about a year of school.good luck

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