
Preschool Teacher or Family Day Care?

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Who gets paid more? Preschool Teachers or having your own Family Day Care?




  1. This is a loaded one..... This is the risk/reward of entrepreneurs in every profession.  There is a lot to consider regarding what some others have mentioned along with what your motivations are.  My first directorship I was shocked at how much I was removed from the classroom.  I found many adjustments had to be made as my role had changed.  When you assume the role of "owner" you have now taken on many roles that you might have never considered before.  Cleaning the facility, payroll, equipment, staff, parents, payments etc. The list is very long.  So, you should consider if you are motivated to take on all that for the possibility of making more $ and being able to decide your own mission statement.  As a teacher your day is very challenging ( as I am sure you know)   I would simply think about what role (as a owner) you would have to assume to assist other teachers that were under your directorship.  The more children the more staff.  Perhaps this is just the challenge you need, perhaps its not.  Truthfully, this is a personal decision that needs to be made on the basis of intent/motivation.  Remember you are servicing families/children, they are not servicing you.  Good luck with your ambitions.  If you have your heart in the right place.....this will be an incredible undertaking.

  2. There are a lot of factors here.  If a preschool teacher has a degree, s/he can expect to be paid more.  In PA, there is a new program funded by the state called Pre-K Counts.  The suggested minimum salary for a teacher in a Pre-K Counts classroom is 35,000.  Of course, to earn that kind of a salary, you need a degree.  I don't know too many Family Providers who make that much money.    There are pros and cons for both, but whether you decide to teach pre-school or run a home daycare, get as much education in the Early Childhood field as you can.  Either way, you need to be preparing the children as thoroughly as possible for their futures in school and only education can prepare you to do that.  That's way more important than how much money you make.

  3. in my small town in Ohio. Preschool teachers make roughly 9 dollars an hour. As for Family day care I am not sure

  4. I've done both...presently I'm licensed for family child care.  I do not make what I could because I have two children of my own.  However, do remember that there are many expenses coming out of your "pay check" the food and supplies, the extra vacuum cleaner you need to buy because you wear them out so fast or the new washer or dryer :-)  The new carpet because it gets worn out.  The new toys because they break...etc.  You also want to consider the stress it may cause for you and those in your family...especially if you are doing it in your main living area.  You will also want to consider that in your home you will have no "benefits" so if you have to take the day off...or the families have to keep their kids home because they are sick... you most likely will not be paid for this time.  I find the hardest thing for me is that my "job"  never ends.  :-)  I'm surrounded by it day in and day out even though the children are only in attendence from 7A to 4P.  Also think about what ages you do best with.  In family child care...the need is greater for infants and toddlers than for preschoolers.

    It depends on your state what qualifications your aide must our state they are requiring training now along with the basic CPR/Shaken Baby training.  Good luck!

  5. probably a business will pay you more, but you will have to do it at home, cant call in sick and have to live with it at all times

  6. I definitely say that by having a family day care you would be paid more. First, you will be getting paid for keeping the kids which (depending on the ages) can be up to six if you are the only one working there. To have more than six kids in GA u need to have an assistant. However, Six kids * 100= 600 but....u will have to supply the food (but you can get help with that) and other little things. You also have to make sure that the day care is childproof (of course) and up to standards for certification. But, you will have you own business to write off on your taxes which is good but if you are sick you will have to find a back up teacher/person to take your place or make sure the parents have a backup plan for if you have an emergency (which is why it is good not to have too many kids just in case you have to take them with you or something). By having your own daycare you can make your own rules and control you money flow but if you work in a preschool you won't have as much responsibility but you definitely will not make as much.

  7. It all depends on on where you work as a preschool teacher.  Our county pays $15.50 per hour and you work in the Public School Pre-K.  Some day cares offer Preschool and rates of pay vary drastically, from $7-$10 per hour. I have been a family child care provider for 15 years.  How much a provider makes, depends on how much they know about child development, how professional they come across during their interview, how developmentally appropriate their beliefs and environment is, as well as how much they value themselves and their program.  If a provider does the research the provider can get a copy of their state's market rate survey.  Ask at what percentile the market rate is based on.

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