
Preschool Yes or No?

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My son just turned 3 in July my husband travels frequently on business and I work from home. I spend a good amount of time reading, teaching, and doing art projects with my son. The problem is he has always been a very hyper high need child who requires tons of attention. He is our only child. I really feel what I am doing is right but my husband and dad disagree and think he should be in preschool. I disagree because we have tried it three other times and it failed horribly. What should I do?




  1. Sounds like you are doing everything right to me. The best place for a child is at home with their parents, especially one who is as attentive and nurturing as it sounds like you are. Preschool shmeeschool, my siblings and I never went and we turned out fine. To get him ready for kindergarten all you need to do is show him around the school (his classroom, maybe introduce the teacher if possible etc...)  a few times just before he actually starts.  Preschool is unnecessary.....

  2. Sounds like classic case of ADHD  H stands for hyper active.

    As you put it "hyper high need child."

    The only way it's going to work at Day Care is if it's the right Day Care who can handle hyper active children.  ADD Attention Deficit Disorder and then throw in H Hyper active.

    My daughter, ADD, 13 yr. old grandchild ADD, 9 yr. old grandchild ADHD and myself ADD.  As you can see it's a gene thing, runs in the family.

    Youngest (9yr old) was the kid who didn't take a nap when going to Day Car.   Older Grandchild (13 yr old) was the one who always had to hold hands with Day Care teach when on field trips and the teacher couldn't figure that out, until one day when they weren't holding hands she ran right out into the street.  Teacher was taught a lesson that day.

    That's why I say you have to find the right Day Care.

    Your son is only 3 yrs old and you said it didn't work out at all three Day Cares.  

    Maybe your husband or dad would like to take over the duties of taking you son to Day Care.  I think they'll get the big picture.  Don't know if 3 is too young for testing, but you could talk to the doctor about it.  Wouldn't test him until he's a little      older.

    Take him to the park as often as you can and let him run off some of that energy.

    Keep doing what you're doing.  You're the one who knows best.  Why keep looking for another Day Care just to be rejected again.  You've tryed and that's all you can do.

    Tell both of them "end of discussion." You're doing the right thing.     The End.

  3. yes you should bring him in preschool for him to lessen his hyperness

  4. if you are ever going to consider sending him outside the home to school, you will need to find a preschool program that he can manage to stay in. It seems that you have done a lot to develop some of his skills, but it appears that he needs more social skill development. Social skills are only honed by interactions with other people. If you do not place him in a preschool program, you should at least make sure that you are exposing him to other children (outside of your family) on a regular basis each week and for increasing amounts of time. If he does not have a bonafide learning disability or attention disorder, then I think this may be a viable solution on its own. If he does have some developmental/behavioral issue, please seek professional assistance to help him develop the necessary life/coping skills to succeed in different arenas.

  5. Well, my suggestion as a kindergarten teacher is you should bring him to preschool, his hyper attitudes will not getting better if you let him do what he wants. He needs to learn what is obedience, attentiveness etc. I recommended you to find a preschool that use a character building curriculum, don’t push Him to learn how to count or read! Just give him a lot of time to play with his friends and teach him the rule, the rule in your house, in the playground, in the market, etc. but remember don’t push him and pray with him before he goes to sleep. Good luck and God bless you..

  6. yes you should send him so he can be used to school

  7. If your child has problems interacting with other kids, or when he doesn't have 100% one-to-one attention, then you need to do something about it, not keep him away from kids and carry on giving him the attention. That might be preschool, it might be a mums and tots group, it might be he needs specialist help. It might be something as simple as changing his diet to help him calm down. But you do need to do something about it, and the sooner the better. Even if you homeschool ,sooner or later he has to learn to interact with others and manage without you - and sooner will give him more time to practice it.

  8. Pre-school has it's pros and cons but overall if your son does not learn to be away from you and socially interact with other kids, then by the time he is ready for kindergarden he will be one of those kids that screams and runs for the door.  Some kids get so upset they throw up or pee on the floor.  You don't have to take him to pre-school every single day all day.  Just two or three days a week for a few hours would do wonders.  He will have to get over his separation anxiety or Kindergarden  will be a disaster.  

    Good Luck

  9. Yup!!!! you really should. You see.... PReschool is the preparatory stage for the GRaDE levels and kids really need it to stand the Pressure of the following stage of his/her school year.

  10. I am a special education teacher.  Start with reducing or eliminating sugar in his diet.  Stop giving him juices, chocolates, candies, etc.  Then, if you think a traditional or a progressive preschool is not for your child, try enrolling him to a montessori school.  The program in a montessori school teaches a child the value of work.  He is not forced to do things he does not like.  He progresses in his own pace, and has interesting manipulatives (teaching materials) that your child can play with while learning basic concepts.  Discipline is the core of a montessori school.  This might work for him.  Good luck!
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