
Preschool activities for indoors & break time?

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In Johannesburg South Africa, there are some people who are on strike (sure it has been hurd worldwide). I just wanted to know,as I am part of a private school & does not get paid by the government,we may have strikers tomorrow outside the school. What activities can we do during school in class & outdoor activities for them to do on a soccer field. We have some games such as dodgeball,ball passing,tennis,badmintin. What else is there that we can do??




  1. there are so many it is hard to write them all down. You can play chain tag, where one person is it and then the run and tag someone then that person holds the person who tagged them and so on a so forth so they form a chain. You can play four corners, where you number off the corners or areas in the room and you pick a child to be the guesser first. They then close their eyes and count to ten, so the other children have time to get to the corners without them knowing which corner they are in, then the child with their eyes closed says a number, and whoever is in that corner is out, they change corners every time, until their is only one person in a corner and then they become it. I hope these two fun games help

  2. Maybe play heads up 7 up, where everyone puts their head down and their thumb up and 7 people walk around the room and touch a persons thunb and that person has to guess who did it, you can play family fued or hangman, has far as the field you can play red rover, softball, relay races, tug of war, hope this helps!

  3. Some things I have done with preschoolers and they loved: Hang up large pieces of paper and let the kids dip flyswatters in tempura paint and swat the paper.

    roll bubble wrap out on the floor or ground and let them stomp on it.

    use empty cereal boxes, canned goods, etc and they can play grocery store for dramatic play.

    have them sit in a circle and make up their own story. one child starts a sentence and each child adds to it.

  4. Fruit basket - children sit in a circle, each child is either an apple, pear or strawberry.  One child in the middle says a fruit - if the child says apple, all children who are apple must change seats, meanwhile the child in the middle will try and sit down so there is always one child in the middle.  If the child says fruit basket, everyone must change seats.

    If not fruits, you can do country basket- 3 countries.

    Fish basket. Sports basket.....

  5. If your library has some older books, or even maybe a used book sale, see if you can find one of those old family activity books from the 1950's.  They have a lot of great games and things to do for kids in them and they dont require a lot of expensive materials.  I think that S Africa would have these.

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