
Preschool brats?!?

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I just started a new job at a daycare as the preschool teacher, and I'm really having a hard time with a few of the boys in my room. There are 4 of them, and each one of them literally gets under my skin every minute of the day. They all are extremely disrespectful and do not listen to me at all. The one boy is so disruptive at naptime, he is 4 and cries like a baby waking all of the other kids up in the center. Their own mothers are annoyed with them! I try everything, from keeping them busy with activities to positive reinforcement. Timeouts don't work, they just laugh and smile at me. I have to chase them around the room and on the playground because they don't listen. I'm tired of having other teachers or the director coming in the room to help me. I don't want them to think I'm not a good teacher! All of the other kids listen to me. I have over 3 years experience in daycare, I love kids but I dread going to work , I'm ready to quit my job because I can't take them anymore! HELP!




  1. i would get there parents evolved and other teachers and have  a meeting or something to discuss what you should do from here because it sounds like something has to change

  2. They are probably seeking attention from u or testing the limits.  If the boys are being rude to u just ignore it. However, if it harms other kids in the class then a time out with the director or a talk with the parents to see what is going on at home with the kid might make a difference for u. Don't let these boys get under your skin. If they know they can get a reaction they will keep doing it.

  3. wow 3 yrs experience and you can't handle a couple 4 yr olds?

    Some experience there.


  4. I would say to plan a fun activity for a day like a Friday or something, and tell the children for the week if they are listening to you and they are behaving, then they will get to participate in the fun activity.  They need to have good listening ears tho.  If they do not listen then they are not allowed at all to participate and they have to watch the other children play and have fun.  But you have to stick to it and not give in.

    I work in a child care and know what you are going through.  I have had to do this before and it works most of the time.

    Good Luck =)

  5. I feel for you, because as a teacher in the elementary school..this carries on from pre-school. Kids now days are not use to following rules because their parents are not with them enought to work with them. Those 4 boys are going to give some teacher h**l in the future, unless someone can get them under control. I see this kind of behavior more and more in elementary school. Keep going though..don't let those 4 boys make you quit. Get those parents involve, even contract grand parents.

  6. have a confrence with their parents. Negative reinforcement should be your last resort, but it ALWAYS works.

  7. Have snack time and they can not participate because of their behavior.    You might want to talk with the parents before you do this, find out what their favorite snack is.   After a few times they may catch on, or maybe they won't.   You could do this so the whole class misses out on snack time if everyone does not behave.  Peer pressure can do a lot.   If that does not work try duck tape.  Great stuff.

  8. You should have another teacher in your room with you anyways the ratio is 1 teacher to every 6 children of that age. So if you are the only teacher in that room then your daycare could get in a lot of trouble. You should never put a child down and call them babies like you did. If he cries that bad then maybe he has issues sleeping or doesn't feel comfortable around you yet to sleep. Instead of freaking out on him call up to the office and have him removed or put in with a teacher that he actually knows and feels comfortable with. As for the time outs don't refer to them as time outs. Tell him that he needs to go have time to himself or herself and sit with the child for the first few times explaining what the relax spot is and why they are there. Don't ever yell at a child or force them to sit. Yes they may be four years old but still the are not your children. After the first few times of sitting with the child in the relax spot they might realize that they have to sit there. If they run around the room or get up from the spot just walk over to them and pick them up and don't say anything to them and put them down back in the spot and walk away. Sometimes you could even make your Relax spot in the office. Hope I could help. Also don't refer to children as brats it makes you seem like a bad teacher.

  9. Make them feel embarrassed somehow by their behavior. Individually embarrass them, not all 4 at once, or they will feel like a team. Exclude them from activities and call them out immediately when they are naughty, don't let it build up. If they are still disruptive the parents really need to be informed. The parents would be embarrassed and probably do something about it.

  10. maybe you could send a letter home to their parents or maybe have a conference with them and their parents on how they are behaving
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