
Preschool/child care facility teacher staff meetings: What type of rules should be enforced?

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I've been working with a summer camp and a preschool educational camp and we have staff meetings weekly since this is a huge program. The teachers sit in the back row and talk not-so-quietly during the staff meetings. I guess they beleive that since they "know all this already" that they can visit with each other during the mandatory staff meetings. There's alot I want to hear so I find it annoying! The ladies conducting the meetings pretend to not hear them in the back row. Certainly preschools have staff meetings and there are rules of conduct to be followed during these paid sessions? Are your staff meetings this informal at your child care facility or preschool? Your thoughts on what a staff meeting should be like at a preschool or child care facility would be much appreciated.




  1. lol

  2. All the rules should be enforced.  That's why they're made...  To be broken and enforced.

  3. Whether or not there are "rules" during a staff meeting, there needs to be even the most basic level of respect among members of a staff, and if someone is talking on their phone DURING the meeting that is unacceptable. It seems like a lot of the teachers have fallen into this bad habit of disrespect. If I were you, I would talk to the women conducting the meeting and see what their thoughts are. I couldn't imagine that they are OK with this kind of behavior but its their choice if they want things to change.

    I think the basic foundation of any staff meeting is maintaining respect among your coworkers by letting them talk without interrupting them and not being blatantly rude.

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