
Preschool for my 2 yrs old son in Dallas, Texas. I need suggestion.?

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Since we speak different language @ home, my son didn't get a chance to learn english or to mingle with american kids. So, planning to admit him in any school so that he can learn how to play with other american kids, speak with them etc. Can anyone suggest me on this topic?




  1. There is nothing wrong about sending a 2yr old child to school,he lives in an english speaking country so as soon as he starts school he will gradually learn english and also intereact with other children. I speak an african language with my kids at home but since they started school, all they speak is english(I'm in London). Do not worry , because the earlier children start school the more intelligent they become. This is from my experience.

    Stay blessed and look after your son.

  2. I was born outside the United States and my first language wasn't English.  We moved here when I was three and a half years old and I was put into preschool for pretty much the same reason - to learn English and have the opportunity to play and interact with other children.  (Now there isn't a person in the world that would guess I'm not American!)  At the time, the preschool teachers asked my mom if she spoke English with me at home because they noticed I wasn't learning some words as quickly as they would like.  My mom brought this up with my pediatrician and his answer was this: "DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK ENGLISH WITH YOUR CHILD AT HOME!"  I was obviously going to have to learn English, I didn't have any other option, but no one else was going to preserve my native language other than my parents.  Thank goodness she listened to my pediatrician, I now speak three languages fluently and have no trouble deciphering other latin-based languages.  

    My advice: your two-year old is probably not lacking verbal development if he is beginning to speak in your native language.  If he's living in America, he will have no other option than to learn English, and children of this age learn multiple languages easier than anyone else, especially adults.  In my opinion, your job is to preserve his native language and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.  He will do just fine in preschool and have a blast!  So yes, let him have the opportunity to play and learn in a preschool but don't let him lose his native language!

  3. The local school system sometimes has programs for preschoolers who speak a different language at home.  It's worth a phone call.  

    Try a half day or mother's morning program usually they are offered through a church.   It's a great way to get him used to the English language without leaving him in a school setting all day long.   When he's older, then he can go full-day.  At two, it's a little too early.

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