
Preschool issues?

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My daughter is away on summer vacation and she is due back this July and She has not started preschool nor kinder.I really need to know what grade she needs to be ? She will be 5yrs old on October.I did the headstart thing..But I lost her space because she is not home.Is there any sites or anything that can inform me what I need to put her in school?thanks for your time.




  1. She is a late 5 year old (birthday occurs after Sept. 1).  I would recommend placing her into a pre-k class that emphasizes kindergarten readiness skills (ability to sit still, alphabet, count 1-10, independence in the restroom, able to handle buttons/snaps, basic scissor and pasting skills, know the colors, how to recognize and write her name and basic phonics/word recognition.  The extra year in pre-k will also advance her social skills.  What is the Kindergarten cut-off date in your school district?  That will give you guidance as well.  I would recommend public school because of the social interaction necessary for growth and development.  There are just some things that can't be learned at home - sharing with classmates is one of them.

  2. 2 yrs old - toodler

    3 yrs old - nursery 1

    4 yrs old - nursery 2

    5 yrs old - kinder 1

    6 yrs old - kinder 2

    7 yrs old - grade 1





  3. I think that public schools are a LOT better because it gives your child proper social skills. Plus, homeschooling means that the child stays around the mother every day, so it could make a difference in your relationships. Homeschooling also keeps your child away from all of the dangers in the world, which isn't always a good thing. They need to know how to say "no", what to do in an emergancy, and how to make the right choice. Keeping your child away from public schools will prevent any of these skills from being introduced.

    Also, at age 5, I think your little girl should be in Kinder, but that's just judging on age. If you think she still acts like a preschooler (sharing, ect), then put her in Pre-K. However, if she's already grasped the consepts taught in Pre-K, then she definatly belongs in Kinder.

    I really hope this helps you!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Homeschool is the best.!

    1st,the fuel prices are up,

    2nd,you will be able to have an impact on her,as a mom

    4th,at school they learn all sorts of bad stuff

    -you don't want that-

    At home you can teachg her manners,character,integrity,etc;as at school,she'd be on her own on those things

  5. aww... you love your child so much that ur worrying about her education. like any parent should. ask your school district. yahoo is no place to ask these type of questions!!!

  6. she should be starting Kindergarten in September. She probabaly should have been in Pre-k also, but whats done is done.

  7. The cut off date for Iowa is Sept 1st or 15th according to the site mentioned below.  So that means she is not age-eligible for Kindergarten.  Would be best to send her to PreK but you can homeschool her this last preschool year if you wish.  Just be sure to incorporate many social opportunities for her.

    Head Start, in our state, runs only through the school year so if she went on summer vacation...why would you have lost her space?  That's too bad!  Can you sign up again?  Sometimes there are state and federally funded programs that run side by side...for those who do not completely qualify for the federally funded program or if there isn't enough space then they get a chance in the state funded program (in MI it's Just 4s).  You can also look into private preschools.  Good luck!

  8. You can wait a year to send her.  She can start kindergarten when she is 5 almost 6 since she has a late birthday.  Honestly with all the requirements of a kindergartener these days, she might be better off waiting a year.  Then you can maybe get her into a preschool or a story group at your library for the social aspect.  Then you can work on some things at home.

  9. well where i live in mass (i don't know if it is the same everywhere) if you aren't 5 by august 31 you would still be in preschool. But to find out for sure and for what you need , you should contact your local school department.
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