
Preschool teach career?

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It's my first year in college and I can't really decide what I want to major in but I do love kids. So do I start working on an AA in early childhood to get started?




  1. If you love kids, and if you love helping people SPECIAL EDUCATION is huge, you would for sure get a job in 4 years, but Elem. Ed is not really in need of teachers.

  2. I think the best way to figure out what age level you want to teach is through experience.  I thought I wanted to become an elementary school teacher.  It wasn't until began volunteering at the preschool on campus that I realized preschool was a better fit for me.  I would recommend if you have an on-site preschool to make a visit, observe the class and the kids, and to talk to the teachers.  Just simply studying and doing book work is not going to give you a clear grasp on what it's it really like in the classroom.  But being in the environment will truly give you a better understanding of what fits you.  Good luck!

  3. If you truly like working with children then I suggest you just go ahead and work on getting your bachlor's. You will get a better salary plus have more options, such as teaching Pre-K thru 4th grade, depending on the states requirements. I hope that I have helped you make a decision that will be very beneficial.

    Good luck :)

  4. yeah, get the aa that involves your love for children....maybe child development or something like that...good luck!~

  5. Yes and just make sure your classes are transferable so if you decide to get more than an AA or AS.

  6. If you like working with children then what you do is take classes in child Development and then try to get at least 3 to 6 units and then what you do is work in a day care center to see if you will like working with children and start off working in a preschool. Try to get the experience and it is fun to work with young children because I have done it and it is fun and I have done it for 20 years and it  is rewarding and you feel good to see the children learn what you have taught them.

    Good Luck.

  7. If you don't have a clue what you want to do yet, take it slow... start by getting all your required general ed out of the way- not only will it make it more fun to focus on your major after you get the general ed out of the way, but it will give you some more time to consider your future career.  I knew from the beginning that I wanted to be a childcare professional, so that is what I did.  But if you THINK that working with children may be what you want to do in the future- you may want to check it out first.  Volunteer at your college's childcare center for a while (you'll need to have a TB Test and pass a fingerprint exam first) to see if you truly love it or not.  Many people get into preschool teaching because they think it will be easy... Boy do they find out what hard work (and how underpaid) it truly is!!!  Working with preschoolers has to be your passion for you to get personal satisfaction out of it.  You cannot hate working with preschoolers and be a good teacher at the same time... it doesnt' work that way.  By volunteering in the center, you will learn what it is really like to deal with 12-20 preschoolers, what expectations are of staff, the kind of education and understanding it takes to be a teacher, and how the amount of work compares to the amount of pay.  Historically, preschool teachers are undervalued and WAY underpaid.  Typically, preschool teachers make between $5-8/hour (depending on your region), unless you work at a center that is federally funded or you have LOTS of education/experience behind you.  Take the time to make sure that is the field you want to get into before you commit to the classes... you can volunteer at the same time that you take your general ed, and then you'll know whether or not working with preschoolers is your calling.

  8. That would be a good place to start, but don't rule out a bachelor's in elementary ed.  A lot of preschool programs are requiring four year degrees now and el ed will make you more marketable.

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