
Preschoolers art and craft activities?

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does anyone know of any website for nutrional programs, human body OR dental for preschoolers?

this week program has to be on one of these 3 lessons ,i have to have around 4 art activities 1 science activity and 3 self, help and hygiene activities,we are up to the letter k and number 9 you can add them into the activities

can you help me out ?thankyou in advance.




  1. How about choosing the Human Body

    1. Art Activity - do a handprint or handpainting or fingerpainting - recipes for fingerpaint here:

    http://www.shirleys-preschool-activities... - scroll down to the bottom of the page

    2. You could also do modelling with playdough - encourage the kids to make little people with the dough - to develop body awareness in 3D. There is a recipe for playdough on the link above as well.

    3. Let the kids each make a mask using a paper plate-discuss, facial expressions, position of eyes, nose, mouth etc.

    4. Science activity: learn about the 5 senses - let the kids explore different areas of taste in the mouth - sweet, salt, sour, bitter by tasting different substances like sugar, salt, lemon, dissolved coffee

    Or alternatively:  a sensory activity to teach them about the sense of touch. Go to http://www.shirleys-preschool-activities... to find out how to create and use a 'feely box' or bag.

    5. Self help - teach the children to tie shoe laces ( if they are old enough) alternatively to open and  close buttons etc.

    Hope this helps

  2. Try

    Both sites are large with lots of craft,art and work sheets for words and numbers.

    I found both sites very usefull when my daughter was small.

  3. For the human body, you could get huge pieces of butcher paper.  Have each child lay down on a piece of paper and trace around his body.  Help him cut it out and then he can paint it and decorate it the way he would like.  If you want to get advanced you could show him where a few organs/muscles are (maybe brain, heart, and stomach to start with).  For very basic art you could point out the fact that everybody has (1) two ears (2) two hands (3) two legs, etc. and challenge the group to find other similarities or differences between each others life-sized cut-outs.  If you want to get even more creative, you could cut out two shapes for each child, staple them together around the edges and have the kids stuff them with balled-up newspaper to make 3-D images.  This is a project that could take a few days to complete, so you might not want to have four projects for the one lesson.

  4. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a good way to teach young children about nutrition.  You can go into the the Food Pyramid and teach children about good food choices.

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