
Prescripion Question: Glasses & Contact Lenses?

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I got my eyes tested last week at D&A and they guy asked me if I was going to wear glasses or contacts - so I said both. He did my sight test and filled me out a prescription. I dont know if this prescription is for glasses or lenses though. When I left his room he put in daily disposable lenses in my 'prescription' so I could see some frames in the shop. In the end I didnt end up buying any glasses. So do I assume from him putting lenses in my eye that this prescription is for both glasses and lenses, or just glasses? or just lenses even? do prescriptions differ over the two methods of vision? What I want to know is - can I buy lenses bases upon the card I have in front of me?




  1. What you have in front of you is EYEGLASS prescription only. A contact lens Rx includes:

    -brand name

    -base curve


    -power (your numbers)

    The numbers of a CL Rx is rarely the same as an EG (eyeglass) Rx. At this point the doctor has finalized (released) your EG Rx but not your CL Rx. If you just went last week, it is probable that you have a follow-up scheduled OR he wants to have you try your trials before finalizing your CL Rx. Bottom line, you would not be able to buy CL with that Rx. It is only  for glasses. Hope this helps!

  2. Yep...if that is all is on there, then it is for glasses.

    If you happen to get a contact prescription will have the brand, base curve and diameter of the lenses required on it.

    And the power will also change to - 3.75 on the left and - 4.50 on the right to give the same power as your glasses.

  3. It's the same up to a point. There are more things that are needed to fit contacts properly the just the prescription form the eye exam.

    If your Rx starts with something like this...

    OD -1.00-0.75X180

    that's for mainly eyeglasses and who ever does your contacts may require additional tests.

    If it has in addition something like this...

    OD 8.6 14.0 -1.25 Accuvue

    then that is Contacts and if you have both of these examples or something like them, then you have both.

  4. The prescription includes both the contacts and the glasses.  The only difference is that contacts require a fitting and that would be included on the prescription.

  5. my sister works for an eye doctor and i asked her the same question. the prescription is the same for both.

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