
Prescription for contacts and glasses?

by  |  earlier

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I need new contacts. When I go in for an exam, how much generally extra would a place charge to do a prescription for both contacts and glasses? Would I be charged for two exams if I do them at the same time?

Also, would most places release a glasses prescription easily (like Walmart)? My husband works for a company that makes glasses so I would get a free pair from his work with all needed from me is the prescription.




  1. Most doctors charge a contact lens fitting fee... It ranges with complexity of your contact lenses and the area you live in... The fitting fee is NOT another fee for an exam... because a contact lens exam takes a few minutes (sometimes HOURS!) longer, the doctor usually charges accordingly.

    The contact lens Rx is NOT the same as the glasses Rx... and if the doctor tells you need to come back, you need to go back... the doctor can only release the contact lens Rx when it is determined that your eye is still healthy after wear (even if you've been wearing them for 25years).  The glasses Rx can be released as soon as the exam is over.

  2. They should not charge anything extra for a contact prescription.  If you already wear contacts and they fit you properly, the doctor should be able to give you an updated prescription pretty easily.  You should definitely not be charged for two exams.  Every time I've gone back for new contacts, I've always been able to order them that day (after trying on trial lenses), so that's why I thought this would be an easy process.  Listen to the optometrist, though. ;)

    The optometrist MUST give you your GLASSES prescription, even if you do not fill it at his office (or Walmart).  It is your right to get your prescription filled where you want to.

  3. The doctor may not be prescribing contacts for you.  Prescribing and fitting contacts is not a one time event.

  4. I agree with vieroman.

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