
Prescription prices in Spain?

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I'm moving to Andalucia in June (from Birmingham, UK), and taking my disabled Mother with me. In fact, one of the main reasons for going is that the warm climate should alleviate her symptoms and give her back some quality of life. One of my concerns though is how she might be able to access the medication she needs (as prescribed by her UK GP). I heard that she should have no problems getting her prescriptions continued in Spain - is this true? And I understand that there is no fixed price system for prescriptions, but that you pay the cost of the drug? Does anyone have any idea what she might have to pay for the following drugs...?







I'm really hoping that the cost won't be too high!!!






    So long as you are registered with a doctor here, all paperwork in order you will not be charged one cent, my mother has had excellent help through her illness, she was in hospital in Malaga for 2 months, treated like a queen, the docs were wonderful, she had  1/2 her colon removed, recovered very well, she is 84..............aftercare nursing was good, interpreters on hand should you not understand anything, she would nOT have had the help and service at her age in the UK, she would have been classed as too old to bother with!!

    Bring all paperwork you can with you, get registered with a doc here as soon as you arrive, you should have no trouble whatsoever, the care of the elderly here is good - in fact excellent......................good luck with your move!

    We came here from Leicester, 26 years ago, need I say more!

  2. If you mother is of UK retirement age, she will automatically qualify for cover by the Spanish system, although you will have to make sure you access the system with the correct documents, I think the office in Newcastle can assist with this.

    Once registered & accepted, she will receive a card which must be produced at each visit.  Prescriptions are issued by the Doctor & providing you have this card , you can then receive reduced precriptions when dispensed at the Farmacia.

    Unfortunately, I don't know if the drugs available would be the same, or a Spanish Doctor would just carry on with the same treatment.  One point to remember, you'll probably find it easier if you live on the coast, where a Doctor at the local Salud (clinic) may speak English.  We live inland from Malaga, only 20 mins from the coast, but the language can be a problem.  The cost of taking a translator with you for an appointment must be taken in to account.

    Hope this helps a little.

    As your mother is only 52, she will not automatically qualify for Health cover.  This is something you really need to check out, several options, but please take advice.  I take it she will not be working, so unable to contribute via Social Security payments.  Do you intend to work, if so, you could check if this would cover your Mother?  Private cover is the alternative, but expensive & they wouldn't normally cover pre-existing conditions.  If you become 'self-employed' or 'automino' you pay your own SS payments but I would advise you really check all this out as it could be a minefield in the circumstances.  I could recommened someone to advise, but will probably cost you. Let me know if required.

    Some people stay 'registered' in the UK, but this is really illegal & as you Mother needs considerable help, not a good idea.

    Please note, I have stated what I know from the system, but not an expert, that is why I suggest getting professional advice and consider ALL the options.

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