
Preseason Soccer Practice???

by Guest61132  |  earlier

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My school's preseason soccer is starting in a week and i have been running about 3 times a week for this summer. I am really nervous that im not going to make the team. How do you think i can improve my running and endurence ability?




  1. go running everyday, even if it's just a light jog. try to get a really tough work out in at least 2 times a week. incorporate sprinting and distance running during it. don't forget to actually play some soccer too!! don't worry, there's probably other girls that haven't been running at all. good luck at your try out!

  2. Endurance isn't all about running, although it certainly helps, but in preparation for a soccer season you should also focus on your core. Ab excercises, flexibility training and lots of stretching are also important. Try to incorporate some shuttle style running in to your work out and practice close ball control as much as possible.

    Good luck making the team.

  3. interval training. run a lot more and start eating really healthy. lots of water and stock up on carbs for energy.

  4. i think you should be running for more like 4 times a week. Drink lots of water try not to drink soda after you run. Work on stamina & conditioning.

    for endurence drills you need to be pshyically fit & have the mental ability to push through hard drills. some ways you can improve your endurence, swim, jog, etc.  try to do anything to get your heart rate going. basically do anything that gets your heart going.  

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