
Present help?

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how do i get my mum to buy me a really wanted present ?




  1. earn it

  2. be obedient, be nice, be good. save some and tell her you have saved an amount and she will just pay whatever is lacking. otherwise tell her what you want and you can wait till next Christmas.

  3. In my household! NO 1 rule is school. How are your grades? Talk to your mom about what it is you desire. Generally if you do good in school, be obedient and just try to make life alittle less stressful for her, she will see that you are trying really hard and that present that you so desire will be yours. If you are over the age of 17, still school first but maybe you may have to meet her half way, you pay for half and she pays for half or possibly this could be a Christmas or Birthday gift. As children, it is hard for you to see that sometimes the parents have to work extra hard to get you some of the things you want but you must also earn it in one way or the other, nothing is free in life!
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