
Present me the semiannual report. Is this sentance correct?

by  |  earlier

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it seems wrong but I was told that it's correct could you help explain why - the Sentence is - Present me the semiannual report




  1. no it should say present to me... or please present the semi annual report

  2. It should be-Present the simi-annual report to me. I don't know the "rule" that is supposed to be followed for this sentence. I know though that, present me the semiannual report is incorrect.

  3. Verb - pronoun - object ...   What's wrong with it?  Nothing I see.

  4. You request an action but leave out whom is to recieve your directive.  John, most ppl would understand what you meant, but the form is vague.  Please present the semiannual report to me would be the more common format.

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