
Present two reasons scheduling resources

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Present two reasons scheduling resources is an important task and describe how outsourcing project work can help alleviate some of the common problems associated with multiproject resource scheduling.




  1. It is important because it will allow you to avoid some of the risks that might occur during the project, and it will also give you a better idea of what areas of the project will go over/under budget (and with this information you will be able to adjust your budget to make things work.


  2. following are the two reasons scheduling resources is an important task:

    first it allows project managers to assess availability of resources: some may not be available at all times. Ex. An engineer working on several other projects will have to be scheduled for availability.

    Secondly it allows multiple projects to be worked on concurrently if they share some/all of the same resources.

  3. how outsourcing project work can help alleviate some of the common problems associated with multiproject resource scheduling

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