The story of „Making blue“ and „Be blue“
The items „Making blue“ and „Be blue“ developed on the same thing: from the dyeworks . In Central Europe blue raised by the plant „Waid“, also called „german indigo“. The leafs of the german indigo were reaped, tramples and tryed at the sun.
The indigo was filled in a tub with a special liquid. The special liquid existed by human urine. In the sun the urin-indigo-sludge began to brew , thereby originated alcohol which loose the dyestuffs out of the plant. The people realized that the dyeing succeed better when there is alcohol in the sludge. It was too good to filled in the alcohol directly. So they drunk the alcohol and then pissed in the tub. So the dyer had to do nothing but rifilling the tub with urine and tourn round the leafs in it. So they were blue, because of the alcohol and they make blue, cause they had as well as nothing to do.
So now I will finished the presentaion. I hope you learn a little bit and it wasn‘t to boring for you.