
Presently, what is cost of a phone call from USA to India?

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I have phone in Hotel and Office in USA. I am curious to know the cost of a call made to India from my Hotel or Office phone.




  1. Calling India via PSTN land-line can be extremely expensive.

    Your best bet is to use a calling card, or even better, VoIP.

    Now days, some VoIP services are getting into offering Calling Card access through their VoIP networks too, at VoIP rates.

    I use InPhonex and CallCentic for my home VoIP services.  (links through my profile).  

    They both also offer Calling Card access using standard PSTN phones to make VoIP calls at VoIP rates.

    CallCentric rate to India is 7.9 cent/min.

    InPhonex rates to India ranges from 6 - 10 cents/min.


    8.9cents using prepaid phone card.

    10months expiration and permanent pin.

    if you heard a bout the magic jack is good too.

  3. Here's an online resource that will search and compare plans available by location (look in the "Best Rate Calculator" section). Should help you find what you need. [link provided]

    Covers land phones, calling cards, etc.

  4. check what I've been using:

    Good luck.

  5. a direct phone call? um, you will be spenind a wholleeee lotta money. it all depends on your service. With mine, it

    d be $2.45,or so. per minute.

    it'd be much more cheaper to buy a calling card specifically to call india or pakistan. trust me, i have a lot of family there, and we get calling cards all the time. You can get them for $2, $5, or $10, i think.

    or you can go online to:

    you can buy calling cards online. for $5 you get like 50 minutes or so. you just need to join, which is free.

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