
Presents for a 14 year old girl turning 15 for her birthday?

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My sister's birthday is coming up, July 27, {I know, I always get presents at the last minute}. I don't know what to get her. She's not into that girly girl stuff, like makeup, or purses. She likes to help the environment. I tried to make her a paper mache globe, but it doesn't work. Whoever comes up with the most ideas, or tells me how to make a paper mache ball, and she likes it, wins the 10 points. Please help!




  1. uhmmmm..

    probably for a nature lover give her a book that's inspirational for her to set her eyes on and to be relaxed. Or you can give her drawing materials 'cause as far as i know nature lover are also good artists. For me the best gift is a new phone, especially iphone 3G. But for her refer to the following above.

  2. ipod touch. lol. everyone wants one of those!!

  3. wtf does this have to do with the environment reported

  4. Well to make a paper mache ball, it's easier to paper mache around an actual ball, or a balloon.

    I'd really suggest getting her DVDs like An Inconvenient Truth or The 11th Hour. You could even get her both, they're only about 6 dollars each because they're packaged in recycled paper products. I love The 11th Hour, but I'd recommend both.

    Or get her a book about global warming with simple ways to help the environment. Some good books are:

    365 Ways to Live Green by Diane Gow McDilda

    It's Easy Being Green by Crissy Trask

    50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth by John Javna

    Wrap her gift in recycled newspaper or a paper shopping bag. Or get her a tote bag (like this: that she can use every day or for shopping.

    Hope this helps! If all else fails, just get her an iTunes gift card or something :)

  5. 1. planet bag to put all her grocerys in instead of plastic bags

    2. a new phone

    3. a set that plants flowers

    3. a set that plants trees

    4. t-shirts that say stuff about helping the enviroment

    5. t-shirts made to help the enviroment

    6. a mini recyling bin

    7. a bike

  6. itunes gift cards are the BEST! they are always great for any gender or age

  7. How about getting her some enviromental friendly accessories from this website...

  8. ok for the globe all  can suggest is a ballon or maybe shell like maybe like a new back to school outfit or somethin

  9. Some cute pj's with trees on them, A lava lamp, A framed picture to hang on her bdrm wall(that has nature in it), some panties with trees on them, socks, a science experiment kit..?

  10. Why don't you give her some money... the catch is... get her to donate it to her favorite environmental organization. You could also donate the money directly yourself, many of these organizations will give you are card saying that the money you donated was in your sisters name for her birthday... something cool like that, so you will really be making a difference!

  11. You would have to get your parents help but you could order her something from the  website, they have some really cool stuff like a solar battery/cellphone charger and a mini wind turbine she can put on her bike!!

  12. im not sure cuz i dont mind girly presents lol ill be happy with a puppy but ill give it a shot.  you can plant a tree for her or learn to recycle as a gift to her. or you can collect sea shells that have holes through them ( trust me you can find alot on the beach) put nail polish on them and put a thick string around it and make a necklace/braclet. Or you can do what me and my cousin used to do together, we would collect leaves and put it in an abulm book and write little passages for the leaves. i also use to paint rocks with my sister that was always fun, or garden with her i use to love doing that with my sister

    Hope that helps sorry i couldnt be more help

  13. Woah, that's so weird my birthday is on July 27th and I'm turning 15 too. Anyway here are some good ideas for presents:

    -a reuseable shopping tote bag (or just a cool tote bag)

    -a nice necklace

    -a DIY craft book

    -a t-shirt with a message about the environment

    -some kind of recycled jewelery

    -a DVD or CD

    -a pillow (like a mushi one or one with a cool design)

    -a recycled paper journal

    -make her a scrapbook

    -an ugly doll --

    -a craft set (Michael's has a ton)

    -an itunes gift card (if she has an ipod)

    -concert tickets

    And heres how to make a paper mache globe

  14. A pony

    girls love ponies

  15. Get her a signed environmental poster from Leonardo dicaprio.  They are inexpensive and that age loves them.  Then take her to the local humane socienty and either buy her a pet there or donate something to them in her name - then take her tol unch or a movie and spend some quality time with her.  She's 14 and will never forget that day you spent with her and the animals.

  16. hmm helping the environment..

    you can goto borders book and get a book on plants and global warming and she can read it to give her new ideas to help save the planet.

    you can also buy her some clothing maybe that says "going green" the material is usually helpful with the environment b/c it saves alot more money.

  17. aeropostale has a hole bunch of really cute enviormental tee's.

    & k mart makes tote bags with cute enviormental quotes writen on them.

    or you could go to claire's & get her a pair or earings with peace signs on them.

  18. a diary?

  19. paper mache? -so last season

    im 15 and very interested in the environment and if she really is concerned about the environment, then you could make a donation in her name to a company that offsets carbon emissions. it would help make the air cleaner! just a thought

  20. blow up a balloon, put the paper mache all over the balloon (except for where the knot is) and let it dry. when its dry, use a needle and pop the balloon. take the balloon pieces out of the ball (through where the knot used to be)

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