
President Bush to lift ban on off shore drilling?

by Guest34094  |  earlier

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Since China and South America are drilling off the USA coast, its about time America starts to drill. How are the democrats going to feel about this decision?,2933,381761,00.html




  1. This is a very good decision by the President

  2. he tried doing this when he first got into office but the democrats wanted no part of it, i think this is going to make the democrats look bad if they say no, the American people need this

  3. It may help McCain's poll numbers if he supports this plan.  The public is looking to government for ways to offset the high gas prices, so it's a good move.

  4. It's about Time somebody Grew some Big ones and do what's right For Americans for a Change.

  5. About darn time.

  6. Bush is lifting an "executive ban"? Why did he have a ban on offshore drilling in the first place? Why has he waited so long to lift his ban?

    I think Bush has more questions to answer, regarding the lifting of this Presidential ban, than the democrats do.

    Don't you?

  7. The oil companies already have plenty of land to drill on- they're not using it. And drilling won't lower gas prices like Bush says. It will also destroy our beaches.

  8. Add Blame to The Environmental Extremists.  There is Oil in Alaska, Michigan, Shale in Nevada and a few other places.  It's about time and It on't take 10 years, that's another scare tactic.  For shame if some mouse is endangered....

  9. This is one of the most confusing bans I've ever heard. The dems aren't going to like it of course.

  10. that's just an executive order.  the law remains.  drilling in the gulf of mexico is not the be all to end all.  it would take a decade before a drop of oil was produced.  

    oil is not the answer.

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