
President Ronald Reagan?

by Guest67035  |  earlier

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I think President Ronald Reagan was one of the best presidents ever! He's definantly hero as far as i'm concerned, for winning the Cold War and getting people to believe in themselves again. what do you guys think of this tribute to Ronald Reagan. (9 mins long)

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  1. Amen to that! He deserves to have his face on Mount Rushmore. It's hard to believe that Reagan accomplished all of that in eight years. It makes Reagan seem like a larger than life figure. What I liked about him is that he believed in America and he stood up to our enemies. Peace through strength. We could use someone like him again today. Yes, he is definitely a hero. Not only to the American people, but to countless millions around the world whom he freed from communism and gave basic freedoms to.

  2. I met Reagan once.He was a charming and intelligent man.

  3. You've got it right.

  4. Yes, I believe he was a great President, but he got a lot of horrible treatment just like President Bush does. I respect both of these men very much. Thanks for this question:)

  5. I was born in the 1970's and Reagan is definitely the best president in my lifetime. He is one of the greatest presidents in American history and the best we have had since FDR.

  6. I disagree with you. I think Regan was one of the worst

    president the U.S. had.

  7. I agree, he was a great president.

  8. I always thought of Reagan as a great president...then along

    comes Oliver North and the Iran Contra affair...this clouds

    what I actually thought at first...If you remember, it was not Regan who ended the Soviet was the people of

    the Soviet Union who got tired of living in the world and having to stay below the living standards of the rest of the can report me if you want to, but that is how I remember the fall of the Soviet Union..the tanks which refused to fire on their own even after getting orders to do

    so from higher commanders.   Reagan did ask the Russian leader to tear down the wall in Berlin, but it was up to the Russians to do it, Reagan didn't make them do it.  See I remember when the wall went up...the C-54s, the C-98

    'Bumble-Bee", the C-119 Box car short the Berlin

    Air Lift....Reagan did a good job, but since he was human, he was not perfect.

  9. you all are way to young to know reagan he was " not " good

    very high unemployment  many tens of thousands  lost their homes and slept in tents ,parks,under bridges and to topped of  "trillions" of dollars down in the hole he ruined the middle     class which was his goal   plus getting rid of unions " you people take your head out of the sand"  i almost ended up at the salvation army with my kids because i could,nt buy a job in michigan

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