
President election.?

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ok im really confused so please help! my dad says that if obmama wins then he will pull out the military groups in iran and iraq and all over the place and i was like isnt that a good thing?? and he aays no! if we leave now all the terriost will just have an easy acess to america and we'll have to fight the war over here. AND my mom thinks that if macaine wins h**l distroy the world, she says that he will just die in office and leave the job to his vp wich will end disatros and he'll just ruin our country more then bush did, even tho my dad said bush didnt ruin our country he just beat the terriost to the punch.. so this is my first year to vote who should i vote for?!?!




  1. Obama will destroy this country if elected.  He's a socialist/Marxist and an inexperienced, tax-happy racist!  He hasn't been senator long enough to get the experience needed to run a country!  He WILL pull out our troops, which means that the terrorists WILL take over and all that our military has done over there will be for totally nothing; those that died there, having given their life for the sake of freedom and security, will all be in vain!  Your dad is correct in what he said - your mom is not, but vote your conscience - it's a free country, so vote for who you believe is best to run this country!

  2. Vote for whichever candidate promises to ban run-on sentences.

  3. Simple. If you need people to tell you how to vote, steal money from others and give it to you, do things for you, think for you, want your Mommy, vote Democrat.

    If you can think for yourself, take care of yourself, don't need anyone to take care of you, vote Republican

  4. The first question is are you planning on just voting on the presidential election or everything that is on the ballot?  I would say to investigate each person.  Since both were senators, you can look up their voting records on laws that were passed or not & see if you agree with how they voted.  Like for instance, lets say you were for abortion, & someone tried to pass a law making it illegal, you could look at how the person voted for something like that.

    However the one thing that drives me nuts, is when people just vote for whomever, just because they are a republican or democrat.  

  5. McCain.. you won't be taxed till death and we'll all be safer.

  6. first off, obama isn't going to bring anyone home.  he backpedaled on that promise weeks ago.  we will have to demand that our troops come home or they will be there forever.  john mccain is even less likely to end the war and would like nothing better than to invade iran and who knows where.  slight edge to obama, trust your mom.

  7. Well the truth is none of us can tell you who we think you should vote for. You need to read up on the beliefs, and moral values of all the people involved, and then decide which party you agree the most with, then you will know whom you should vote for. I can tell you whom I will be voting for, and I have come to this decision based on my own values, and what I feel this country needs your opinion could be way different from mine on what our country needs. McCain will be my pick, you should research both parties and decide which canidate you agree with most. Just do a google search on both McCain and Obama. Good luck!

  8. your mom is very smart, bush didnt beat the terrorist to the punch, because they war started after they attacked us... we dont even kno what we are fighting for is it oil or is it osama bin laden....mccain is 73 wtf is he gonna do for our country... all the ppl who said that they didnt want hillary as president might as well just vote for obama, because once mccain dies [[ we should be counting the days ]] theres gonna be a woman to take his place. dont vote for mccain his dumbass thinks that middle class makes less then 5million dollars a year. vote for change. vote obama.

  9. If you want education and tax cuts, vote Obama.

    If you want war and inflation, vote McCain.

  10. Read Obama's speech.  His "lack of experience" means he lies less.  He is the one to vote for.

  11. personally, i think you should vote for mccain.

    obama has some ideas, but they are all campaign promises (he will never follow through on them)

    and yes, Mccain is old, but even if palin has to take over, she would be a better candidate than obama  
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