
Presidential candidate's crack usage?

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Occasionally I see references to Barack Obama' s crack use.Does anyone know anything about that? And as far as crack use in general, does crack use lend itself to impulsive, compulsive personalities and do you think it's a big deal if a president smokes crack in the white house?

I mean, any change is good, right?

What's your thoughts?




  1. a anti-American crack head why to go dems. i think he has alot more issues than just that, but the blind party wont see it.they just want to be the first party to vote in a black man that what its all about not because he deserves it ,but just because he is black, two years as a senator and all his present votes really show he has no business in the white house

  2. you were right to suspect this.. turns out it's just another cia/bush/mcant false flag op/rumor to smear the opposition

    so.. relax.. obama dont do crack..

    in fact .. new rumors indicate bush does crack..

    mcain does crack too .. but a different kind

    even when there's an element of truth to questions like this..and i am not saying this is true, but, their very intent is a lie..   they are trying to herd you like sheep.. into 4 more years of  bush/mcain.  they are trying to use fear.. to manipulate you.  

    think about it.. bush used cocaine.. has a criminal record of drunk driving.. .. he deserted in wartime.. he inside traded his bankrupt company after selling it's stock.  and all this guy can think of is that obama tried drugs when he was a kid?

    bush extends nato.. to the russians doorstep? bush builds missile systems next to russia and inside the former soviet union? .. and your worried that WHO smokes crack?

    questions like this one are important.. they need to be exposed for what they are.. attempted half truths and lies to manipulate people to vote against their own interests.

  3. Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm

  4. He didn't smoke crack, he experimented with cocaine and smoked weed as a college student. Bush was a much bigger cokehead and alcoholic then Obama ever was.

    There is no evidence that he still uses drugs, as he wouldn't be where he is today if he still had a habit, habitual drug use just takes too much out of a person in the end to keep it hidden long.

  5. At least he admitted he inhaled....Still it shows he IS willing to IGNORE a law....Funny how the Dems are willing to look the other way yet still try and smear GW with the booze charges....PS libbies......BOOZE IS LEGAL  GW cocaine was not ...BUT if you holde that against him then you MUST hold Obama's crack use against him.....and to those wackos that claim it is a smear job and lies from the GOP.....READ OBAMA'S OWN BOOK....HE SAYS IT

  6. Yes, he used to buy it from George Bush.

  7. I don't think this is a dumb question.  I think it's perfectly acceptable for someone to ask about a potential presidents past illegal drug use.  Crack is also different than alcohol, if you want to compare to GWB.  I think I don't want any former addict in the White House and NO all change isn't good.

    To, the previous poster, NO, not everyone experiments with crack as a teenager.  I didn't and I don't know anyone who did.  Stop making excuses for his behaviour.

  8. His drug use happened during his high school and college years until he realized it was a dead end and stopped.  He went to college in the early 80's so he hasn't used for 25-30 years.  And you can chalk it up to youth and recklessness, not a compulsive nature.

  9. You know, I'm sixty, and I can say that between, me, my kids, and my grandkids, that's three generations, I think everyone has tried, and no one has stayed, on drugs of any sort.

    Trying it a few times in college, isn't going to mean you are permanently affected for the rest of your life, and since some form of drug use has been around since prehistory, maybe its time to stop acting as if we are all shocked, shocked I say, to read that a person experimented in his or her youth.  

    It seems that the most experimented drug of all is alcohol.

    Want to find someone who doesn't drink?

  10. Um... that was only in his teenage years.  How many teenagers do you know who weren't impulsive, rebellious, or prone to experimentation.  I think it's great he had that experience and survived so that he can bring his understanding to a leadership role.  He understand the mistakes people make in their lives and how to move past them.  

    And you are aware that President Bush was an alcoholic and cocaine user up through much of his adult life, aren't you?  I think you should realize what someone has done in their past is not what they will do in the future.  Please stop acting like Obama is currently a drug user and spreading this awful rumor.

  11. Gee you investigate everything. OBAMAS CRACK. Why do you have to ask these questions. Would Obama really be taking crack.


  12. Crack usage can manifest itself in manic, grandiose behavior as exhibited by Obama and his young nation, He won't win I'm sure of that now, we (USA) dodged a bullet, congratulations to President McCain...

  13. Oh, yes. Clinton was a grate change that set us back 20 years! Thanks for 9/11, Slick Willie!!

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