
Pressing a flower in a book....?

by  |  earlier

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i just wanted to know, when you press a flower into a book, do you wait for the flower to dry first and then press it in the book, or do you press the flower into the book while its still wet?




  1. I usually press it as it is. When I allow it to dry first it somehow does not retain its original shape which is quite frustrating at times. If you want a flower to keep its original colour, place it between two pieces of tissue paper. If colour is not important, just put it in between the pages of a book and place it under a heavy weight.

    Hope this helps!

  2. press the flower into the book when it is still fresh

    don't press it when it is still wet, your book will become a trash..

    dry it up first

    If the flower is dried already (the one that is dried through weeks), don't press it anymore..

  3. you have to press it while it's still fresh.  

  4. I press the flower into the book while it is still wet. If you try to press it while it is dry then the flower will completely fall apart.

  5. You can press a wet flower between the pages of a book. However, it is better to press the flower between sheets of newspaper or any absorbent tissue / kitchen roll, etc. so that you don't spoil your book if the flower has a high fluid content & leaves a mark. you should ideally change the sheets periodically till the flower has dried completely - this avoids fungal formation & keeps the colour of the flower intact. Once you are satisfied, transfer the dried flowers to any airtight container.

    I hate to throw away a bouquet/flower arrangement & usually end up drying the good petals or entire flower & using them later for greeting cards, etc.

    all the best in your endeavor...

    EDIT : the above procedure gives you a two-dimensional, flat dried flower. If you want to convert a real flower into its dried 3-D version , hang it upside down on a horizontal string with its stem intact for a few days till it dries completely. that way you can use it for a dry-flower arrangement.

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