
Pressing charges against someone who..(10pts)?

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Say someone calls you and leaves a message to 'fcking kick ur *** if they see you'

You dnt know the person and you're not sure if this person is capable of actually hurting you or just threatening you for a ride..

Can you press charges or would it seem silly?




  1. You can press charges, but without knowing at least a little detail, the police wouldn't be able to help much.

  2. make a complaint.  you do not have to press charges.  if it escalates you want to have documentation.

  3. Do you have a call back number?? I was getting annoying phoen calls from a stranger and went to the police they called the number and informed them that if they called back one more time i would be going to the court house to file harrasment charges  i would assume you could do the same thing  except for threat to do harm

  4. Why would someone whom you don't know call to request a ride?

    If you don't know them, how can you press charges?  You will need a name.

    If this person has threatened bodily harm to you, you can certainly press charges.  At my agency this is called a terroristic threat.  It won't stop something from happening but all fingers will be pointing to them if something should happen.

  5. Wait a while and see if it keeps up. If it happens again, say "I'm going to call the police". If it happens again after that, call the police. Press charges.

    It infringes upon your right to "Life", a core Democratic value. So yes, you can press charges if you like.

  6. Call the police.  It would not sound silly to them.  They can file a harassment complaint.  They will take this offense very seriously.  They will likely go to the person and speak with them and everything will be resolved.  If not, it only documents your case for the future.

  7. that's two charges, Terroristic Threat and abusive language on the phone. The first charge has a maximum penalty of 6 months in jail and/or $2000 fine. The second charge maximum penalty of $500. I would take a threat like that serious and press charges. After you do that then you need to get a protection order.

  8. u can contact the police because that is a threat ... however you must know who is calling you and information about them

    also note that even someone breathing heavily and not saying anything else is a threat so you can press charges

    good luck <3

  9. I once was told by a guy I knew in a bar that if he saw me in that bar again he'd kill me (I stood him up on a date because I was afraid of him & when he asked me out I was afraid to say no -- obviously my instincts were right).  So I called the police who told me there was nothing they could do unless he did something.  I asked if they couldn't keep something on hand so that if something happened to me they would know who to get.  Answer:  Nope.  So, I told several people his name - that's all I could do.  And, oh yes, it was a mighty long time before I went to that bar again.

  10. you cant. That freedom of speech. Da, Bill of Rights, ROCK!!!

    I dream of becoming a lawyer

    EDIT: Oh, unless hes harassing you. Warn him for the cops first, if he does it one more time, call the cops;...

  11. dont bother to pursue it. if police arrested everyone who threatened to kick someones ***, we would never have time to do anything else.

  12. i would call the piloce beacauuse tht cant end up well so cotntact authority as soon as possible!1

    God Luck!!

  13. If you feel threatened and will run into this person again you may as well report it. Call the police station directly, or walk in. You may not be able to press charges (?) but a police officer should be able to at least advise you and tell you when pressing charges would be good.

  14. yeah you could probably press charges for harassment

  15. You say you don't know the person, so it'd be very hard to file charges.  Is there a caller ID showing up?  

    I'm a police officer in Ohio, so, if you're in another state, this may not apply.

    However, theoretically, there are charges that can apply, ranging from disorderly conduct (a misdemeanor), to telecommunications harassment, to menacing, to even aggravated menacing (a 1st degree felony), all depending on the specifics of the case.

    In this case, it wouldn't hurt to file a report with the police or sheriff's office, and be sure to document any repeated occurences, and file additional reports in needs be.    

  16. It's happened to me before..

    The only thing you can and in fact should do is to call your local police department, don't call 911, or you can go down there and tell them what happened. Tell them you'd like them to write down a statement in case something happens. Play them the message if you still have that. Give them all the information you have- their name, phone number, date and time of phone call, what they look like if you know that, where they live, anything and everything. Point being, it's hard to prosecute for a threat, and most police officers would just contact the offender and try to mediate. What you really need is a record of the incident so that just in case this person does see you and try to take some sort of physical action, the police have something stating that they threatened you, giving you more credit in the situation. Of course, you can have the police get in touch with the person but like I said all they'll really do is mediate and try to come to some sort of compromise between the two of you. It still won't stop them from kicking your ... if they see you and they really want to.  

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