
Pressure..... Please help (mature responses please)?

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My friend has really been pressuring me into losing my virginity and now he's trying to get me to get with a girl that i dated for a short period of time almost a year ago. I have almost no feelings for this girl and i don't know what to do. He wants to get me to do her tomorrow and i have no protection, no way of getting it by then and i'm nervous.




  1. Don't have s*x with someone you don't want to and have no feelings for.  Don't have it under pressure from someone else, but only when you feel ready.  And definitely not without protection.  

    Your friend needs to grow up.  Just using a girl for s*x to lose your virginity is wrong and shallow.  It puts both of you at risk of pregnancy and STDs.  It would also make you a user.  Not nice.

  2. Do not let peer pressure make you do something you don't want to do. Tell him a real friend wouldn't make you do it! Obviously he's not a true friend and you should find someone else...

  3. well it is quite apparent that you have not updated your ipod touch recently. To get full benefit of the new apps, you must purchase the 2.0 software.

    hope this helps!

  4. dont let anyone pressure you.. do it when you feel you are ready.. he should respect that if he is a good friend .. but yeah jsut say nah not her maybe soemone else and let him "pretend" to search for girls for you.. lol will by soem time until yo uare ready

  5. Please don't do it! You obviously aren't ready and you don't want to. s*x is something that should be done when you actually feel you're ready and with someone you truly care about and love. Tell your friend to back off and focus more on his personal life instead of yours. He also shouldn't be so obsessed with you having s*x anyway, that should be your decision.

  6. Number one - Not without protection.

    Number two - Your choice, not his.


    Tell him that no means no, and if he can't understand that, then tell him to **** the girl himself

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