
Pressure Points- Kiss of the Dragon?

by Guest55710  |  earlier

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Pressure Points- Kiss of the Dragon?

I bet you have seen Kiss of The Dragon (Jet Li) or Dead or Alive! In both movies they apply a needle in a certain point at the back of the neck. Also in both films the person get its body blocked and dies. Do you know the name of that point or its exact location. I have read a lot of articles and watched a lot of clips regarding pressure points but never came across this point. Please help me and explain me this point (if possibly). Thanks to everyone in advance- I'll appreciate a lot!

2 months ago




  1. In response to your question... That is a made up place for a "Death Touch" point. Physiologically speaking you cannot poke a needle in the back of the neck and cause the veins to "seal" in the rest of the body, and have the heart pump blood only to the head causing it to rupture vessels and kill the individual.

    In order to cause the vessels to seal you have to either cause sever trauma to the tissue around them causing the surrounding muscle to seize and squeeze them shut, or apply a tourniquet.

    The movies will continue to apply pressure point concepts and other esoteric fighting powers, but will not show accurate applications as people try to imitate them.

    There are many, many sites and videos out in the world available to anybody giving immense detail on pressure points. Just know that it takes much more to understand the effects and applications of Kyusho Jitsu, and even more commitment to the understanding and true level of Dim Mak.

    Don't believe everything you see and hear, but on the same token don't discount the possibility that these "fantastical" beliefs had to come from something entirely real and tangible.

    An example would be something called comotio cortis. This is when a baseball player or other athelete dies from getting struck in the chest with the ball or puck.

  2. My guess is that the pressure point doesn't exist.  It was made up for the movie.  Hollywood does a lot of stuff like that, you know.  The Millennium Falcon was actually a model - it's not a real space ship.

    And why would you want to know how to kill someone like this?  Got anything special in mind?

  3. in kiss of the dragon i know for a fact it doesnt exist as it says in the dvd extras that they had an acupressure-ist and they said it was fine to put the needle in that point in the neck as it wont do anything

  4. As others have stated it would be irresponsible to give that info out,but Kiss of the Dragon was a great film :)***

  5. The point in kiss of the dragon doesn't exist, but ina related effect, there are a series of points in your abdomen that if hit correctly, make you lose your bowels.

    But, if you hit someone in the spine, you can kill them, same to the temple of your head, and thr jugular artery in your neck.

  6. Great!

    Any responsible martial artist would not give this information even if it were possible.

  7. I am happy to see people refraining from giving information of this type on an open forum.

    Not saying that you are a bad person, only that even if your intentions are good, someone else who has malice in their heart might use it to harm someone.

    Even if someone does post an answer, chances are, it is not based on PP knowledge because someone with real PP knowledge would not post information here.

  8. No such point exists. Yes of course you can kill someone by puncturing the spinal chord. There is no death touch or dragon kiss or other mythical spot where you can instantly kill someone with a pin or touch.

    Pressure point fighting is real and can and is used to diminish the ability of an opponent to perform and to enhance your strikes. It requires a lot of training and will not work for the average martial artist very well, because the strikes must be delivered with a lot of force and high precession. Dim Mak is a system taught to advanced Wing Chun students. It has a side benefit of being an aid to healing as it uses the same points as acupressure, acupuncture and meridian therapy. I think  a lot of the hype is spread by movies and the fact that Dim Mak translates roughly to death touch. I have spared with a practitioner and it is very impressive when thy can at will make a leg go limp for a couple seconds or cause you to fold in half with one well placed strike. We teach Dim Mak at our school now to adult advanced black belts and only if they agree to study the healing art as well.  I  do not study this art myself but am aware of it through my instructor and Grandmaster William Cheung.

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