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I'm constantly reading about how the media pressures young women to be skinny, but I've never actually heard someone in the media say "you should be skinny." If anyone does come out and say something of the sort, that person is instantly attacked by Tyra Banks and Oprah Winfrey and whoever else for inducing eating disorders in young girls. The fact that actresses and models are skinny isn't exactly "pressure." If anything all these dumb female empowerment things do, is promote obesity. I'm really sick of hearing the words "I'm big and beautiful", because at that point it doesn't really matter how you look, you're probably unhealthy. I really think the media should stop promoting obesity as an acceptable thing.
Another thing: This isn't just a woman problem. Men feel plenty of pressure from society to look a certain way as well, and they don't have crusaders screaming to leave the poor men alone. Maybe this is why more men are in shape than women